Camille Cacnio Please Wipe That Smile Off Your Face

UBC student Camille Cacnio can be seen in this Youtube video at the 1:30-1:33 mark.  She is an example of a privileged young adult that in one thoughtless action, she has thrown so much away.  She is a member of the Enspire Foundation. The  slogan at the top of their page is “Empower, Educate, Encourage”, something Camille Cacnio seems to have ignored.  Further down this page she states, “As cliché as it sounds, I really do try to make the world a better place – which is why I am so excited that I am taking part in the Bulacan Community Project as an Ambassador. Life is hard back at home, but through our dedication that can slowly change.”

Camille Cacnio

Same smile, same shirt.

This athlete is part of the UBC Rowing Team and is a member of an intramural championship team seen in this photo.  I know that at some point I will post up photos of the “angry men”, “hoodlums”, “anarchists”, but a person like this flies in faces of our media and politicians.

In comments I have read, defending people like Camille Cacnio, they often state how they’re good people and they just made a mistake.  The last time I checked the news and read about white-collar crime and bankers committing fraud, or businessmen upstanding in their community embezzling funds, they too were described as good people.  We all make mistakes, and we’ve all done things in our past that we regret.  Captain Vancouver is no angel.  However, at some point in our development of character we know the difference between right and wrong.  Some never learn thru various reasons up for discussion.  That is how “good people” can actually have flaws in their character that allow for poor decisions to be made.

**All attempts have been made to insure all information on this page is accurate.  The author does not endorse any of the comments of the users of this site.  If you feel any information on this site is inaccurate please contact CaptainVancouver with the subject line “CORRECTION”.  LINK TO DISCLAIMER HERE.**

~ by captainvancouver on June 18, 2011.

519 Responses to “Camille Cacnio Please Wipe That Smile Off Your Face”

  1. I can’t access this video from work for some reason, what exactly did she do?

    • she walked out of Black and Lee with clothing, along with other looters with that winning smile caught on camera and put on youtube.


      Sorry, not what a upstart, responsible, young adult who is trying to make a good start in life should be doing in any society. Its going to be hard for anyone motivated to hire her or trust her with the keys to their business.

      • I understand. There is no excuse for her actions. There are no explanations. The picture says it all. Action speaks louder than words. I’m very very sad to know she’s Filipino.

  2. Wolves, she’s clearly seen leaving Black & Lee’s, loot in hand.
    It really disgusted me even more to see these privileged youths involved in this crap. No, don’t make excuses for them. They should no even better than the white trash whom we’d expect poor behaviour from.

    “Life is hard back home” she say. Great. I hope you get deported you disrespectful, spoiled little xxxxx!

    • thanks!

    • I agree anyone identified as taking part that is not a Canadian citizen should be sent home. We don’t need people in our country that don’t respect the fact that we let them is a privilege…privilege revoked!

      • Um, she Is a Canadian citizen. Just because she’s Asian doesn’t mean she isn’t Canadian. She was born and raised in Canada. Racist much? So much for a multi-cultural society. I like how Canadians claim to be a mosaic and call America the melting pot when really, Canadians are just as offensive as Americans. You guys aren’t that much better than the anarchist rioters. Thanks for giving Canada (and Vancouver) a good name. /sarcasm.

        I am so disappointed with the comments here. It’s one thing to talk about her wrong-doings, but it’s a whole other thing to bring RACE into it. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves, this kind of hate speech is not better than the riot itself.

        And to ‘Just Me,’ just because you SAY it isn’t a racist doesn’t mean it isn’t. Think before you talk. Jesus.

    • Just to be clear, when I said she should be deported, I mean she should legally be deported under the Canadian Emigration Act as should anyone who comes here and criminally disrespects our laws and society. This is not a racist statement.

      When I referred to her as a “bitch”, this was not a sexist comment. It is appropriate use of a colloquial slang. If She where a He, I may have used the term bastard or son-of-a-bitch.

      When I called her a “privileged youth”, I actually meant spoiled fucking brat that needs a good slap up-side of the head.

      That good ‘n clear?

      • Just me,

        That terminology is still idiotic though. “Bitch” is indeed a sexist comment, as the original meaning is a “female dog”, and is used mainly against females, or purposely against males in order to demean their masculinity.

        A bastard is simply a child born out of wedlock. To use this as a derogatory term implies either lack of knowledge of the English language, or the desire to blame people for something they had no control over. There are plenty of “bastards” in our world who have done amazing things.

        Son-of-a-bitch? Refer to “bitch”. Also, blaming someone for something they had no control over.

      • “When I referred to her as a ‘bitch’, this was not a sexist comment. It is appropriate use of a colloquial slang. If She where a He, I may have used the term bastard or son-of-a-bitch.”

        So what you just basically said was, “I used a common term that is specifically based on gender,” which is like the dictionary definition of sexism. So confused right now.

      • Well, most of these idiots who looted and rioted are ‘white’ and from trashy suburban areas like Surrey and Maple Ridge etc. These guys are overwhelmingly represented in the ranks of the rioters, and what to do with them? deport them? Noooo, I say put them in jail cell with inmates named Jamaal and Kareem and that will teach them a thing or two.

    • Ist of all, just because a kid grows up “privaledged” and with money doesn’t mean they are angels!! In fact most so called privaledged kids do alot worse things than people from poor familes, beacuse they can get away with it. If by white trash you are refering to is poor people you should check your facts. Alot of people that have less money are actually doing real good things in their community and know the value of things because they have had to work for what they do have!!

      • Even the homeless people of Vancouver were disgusted with this riot. That says it all

    • whoa! watch the language .. i for one will not be supporting “Enspire Foundation” with an endowment as my family had originally planned. it just wouldn’t be prudent.

  3. As the mainstream media tries to put all the riot blame on 18-25 year old should be noted that the holding cells are filling up with women.

    Allegedly smart women. It’s fascinating how happy all the criminals are as they steal from their neighbOUrs. Never saw so many smiling thieves & vandals in my life.

    • It’s prudent to note that the overwhelming majority of rioters are still men. I would argue that women take part in this activity because they seek approval from the male-dominant society that glamorizes violence and hypermasculinity and actively devalues female qualities (read: xxxxx, xxxxx, bitch). If you don’t see it for yourself watch any mainstream box office movie.


      • I have heard variations of this ridiculous theme for years. It simply does not make sense that all violence is the fault of men, even violence perpetrated by women.

        I am a large, fairly strong man.
        I have never hit anyone in anger. ever.
        I have never robbed or vandalized.
        I do my best to solve disputes amicably and see other points of view.
        I know many people, women and men, who have temprements similar to mine.
        I know people, both men and women, with short fuses and violent dispositions. (I worked in a homeless shelter for several years and seen my fair share of both. tempers tend to be tested in stressful environments)

        While it is true that there were more male than female protesters (testosterone and all), it does not excuse the actions of female rioters. Non-violence is not a “female quality” just as violence is not a male quality. Both are subject to human traits millions of years in the making.

  4. And cue the racist misogyny. Captain Vancouver, by leaving the comments up, you are condoning this attitude. Stop this. Or spend all of your time moderating. This is awful.

    • Get over yourself.

      • Actually I’m speaking about you Frank. Representative of a complete asshole mentality. What you’ve written so far on this site is equally deserving of outing and shaming.

      • Well shame, if Frank had said anything racist or misogynist, you might have a point. But he didn’t, and so you just up it a notch and call him an asshole.

        Right now, you’re the one looking like an asshole.

      • Frank’s all over this site. I stand by my assessment.

      • if you’re going to go after frank, go after regis s as well – holy blow harder man.

      • Aww, holy? You’re so kind.
        Really, here is a song for you.

    • Shame is on you now,

      When all else fails, the racism and sexism cards are played to deflect the real issue. Your attitude is what is awful. She was caught on camera looting. Her gender and ethnicity are irrelevant. People like you are part of the problem. You find weak excuses to defend these losers. We’ve had 40 years of a permissive society and this is the result. No, I don’t want to go back to draconian law and order, but we have to meet in the centre. Our “justice” system is based on ineffective left-wing ideas. She must pay for her crimes. If it was up to people like you, she’d get of scot-free.

      • I never said she shouldn’t be up on the site. She should be called on for her crimes. What should not be done is piling extra hatred upon her or Alicia or anyone else by internet mob mentality beyond what she has done. Reading the comments for Alicia is sickening. It completely takes away from her own crimes and makes it about the disgusting attitudes of people you’re defending as commentators.

      • I don’t defend them. I understand their frustrations. A lot of people are extremely frustrated with this country. I almost voted Tory because I want to see punks like Alicia get justice. We are way too permissive and understanding. There has to be justice and accountability. These schmucks are taking the heat (admittedly, too much) because people are sick of our weak-kneed approach to crime.

      • I do not understand why you are blaming Shame is on you now. He/she is definitely not defending these criminals – the rioters and the looters and whoever else. He is simply pointing out that those that look down on people like Camille should not insult them using racist or sexist comments. Of course her gender and ethnicity are irrelevant, which is even more the reason NOT to bother mentioning them.

      • Biff, you seem a bit paranoid. It seems the emotion and fear response part of your brain are working overtime, you need to chill out and put your thoughts in logical order. Why do you assume merely stating that sexist and racist comments have no place here implies that Shame supports the rioters in question? Being rational and defending criminal behaviour are too very different things. This has nothing to do with politics, though if you look up studies on the left and right wing brains you may come to understand why you are so easily manipulated by fear politically speaking.

      • Well said JT.

      • Wow, so just because she’s a criminal we can spout racist and sexist crap outta our asses? You’re not giving Canadians a very good name either. Golly, I’m darn proud to know that this is what my fellow country people resort to.

        Get your head out of your ass.

    • Get a life twerp.

      Your comments just show you are a few raisins short of a fruitcake.

      Put up your address so we can come over and loot your property.

      Because looting and criminal behavior seems OK to you.


      • Apparently you can’t read.

      • Seems like looting and criminal behaviour are OK to you too. So, what’s your point?

      • Benny C, you think Shame is a few raisins short of a fruitcake? Shame actually made perfect sense. You just rambled on, made assumptions due to your lack of comprehension skills and finished off with criminal threats. You don’t see the irony in your statement?
        Of course you probably legitimately never will understand. So to put it simply for you, which you seem to require. Shame never supported criminals, Shame pointed out that sexist and racist comments being posted here are disgusting. Read before you ramble.

    • He is doing a right thing. Just look at her smiling. I feel sick picturing my daughter being so happy with a stolen stuff in her hands.

    • shame,

      I understand how you feel and was on your side for most of this conversation but, your attitude and persistent badgering lost my support.

      She did it, she was caught on youtube and outted. I disagree with the racial overtone by some people on this site but it doesnt change the fact that she LOOTED and participated in a crime.

      Its that simple. I dont agree with some attitude on the comments but we are talking about the crime here. Period

      • Andy J, what does any of that have to do with what Shame said? We’re talking about a crime, well spotted, how does that justify racism or sexism? All Shame said was that it is a disgusting attitude that has no place here. Whether we are discussing crime or water polo; ignorant remarks aimed at degrading people based on race or gender is unacceptable in civilized society. I assume that we here judging rioters would like to consider ourselves civilized? So why should we accept primitive and hateful remarks?

  5. Captain Vancouver, I salute you. Keep up the good work!

  6. Not to make any excuses, but the blurry image on the left is not a sufficient match to the photo on the right – they were taken at different times and show enough differences that its hard to be certain its the same person, unless there are other photos and evidence. Assuming she hasn’t admitted it or been arrested, who/how made the assessment it was the person named and on what basis?

    If its just on those two photos, no prosecutor is going to find that to be enough. (I realize that legal prosecution and simple public shaming seem to have different standards of proof) Different hair, no backpack in one, in one photo the mouth is slightly open the other its not so you can’t make a jaw comparison, and how many other women own the same shirt? If its really her, charge her and she deserves the humiliation – but those two pics are not enough to draw the conclusion its the same person named in the title of the post. You can’t believe every rumour you read on the net. Just being cautious – if its not her (hypothetically) the post and all the comments are libelous.

    I think a site like this is a new form of citizen empowerment, and it would work best if its doing more than just republishing rumours and innuendo for others to pile up on. Post other evidence/links as they come up – or evidence to the contrary if that comes up too.

    • bookbag, glasses, very potentially taken directly from the store.

    • I don’t agree. The photos are a very good match and likely enough to convict her unless she has a compelling alibi.

      • Where’d you go to law school, Don?

      • Actually, I have 14 law degrees, all from Ivy League institutions and I agree with Don.

      • It’s her in the video footage. The picture is just a still pulled from the crystal clear video.

      • the video wasn’t in the bible so regis can’t believe it

      • “Actually, I have 14 law degrees, all from Ivy League institutions and I agree with Don.”

        You know, if you kids are good for one thing, it is a few lulz.

    • You may have a point. But the threshhold between guilty in law and guilty by common sense is pretty broad. To me, looks like the same person. Perhaps not by a reasonable doubt for some (I, were I on a jury, would bec omfortable in judging the two the same) but good enough to for me.

      Here’s a test: ask her and and see if she denies that it’s her. I wouldnt believe her if she said it wasn, t but it would be an interesting test.

      • The fact that she’s taken down her facebook wall to view is a real sign of guilt. If I was misidentified, I simply get on facebook and twitter and say that is not me. Keep repeating it and write to the person who runs the website that identified me. She has done none of this. I suspect she’s hiding out hoping that this will all blow over. It’s not. It’s going to get much worse till you say something.

    • Video was perfectly clear, same canuck shirt to boot. Sorry, cant get any clearer than that. Same stupid grin as well. And she didnt look drunk either. No excuses.

  7. Yeah careful this does not turn into a racist forum, that is just as bad as looting.

  8. Reprint from the Espire Website, Camille sounds so sweet n nice but we now know she is the exact opposite..

    ” Hello everybody, I’m Camille and I am currently in my second year at UBC, majoring in Biology. Ya I sort of am a bit of a geek, but I also enjoy doing adventurous things like river rafting and zip trekking – oh and I also LOVE playing board games. As cliché as it sounds, I really do try to make the world a better place – which is why I am so excited that I am taking part in the Bulacan Community Project as an Ambassador. Life is hard back at home, but through our dedication that can slowly change”

    Did you see she said she likes doing adventurous things? I wonder if she will add “rioting” to her nice little above piece. she deserves to be booted from UBC and this espire foundation. Camillle what you did was so wrong, do the right thing and come froward and face your charges.

  9. Another one down. Keep up the good work.

  10. I did not post up Camille’s photo earlier because even though others on the various “ID the Rioter” sites who were already outing her, they were only basing this on the Youtube video and comparing it to her Facebook page. It was of my opinion at the time that I could not post her on my blog as it was very hard for me to see her Facebook page and compare it to the screenshot of her Youtube capture.

    I had heard that the people who did ID her know her and also there was a photo that used to be on her Facebook account that showed her wearing the same t-shirt as seen on YouTube. I did not initially see that photo as she removed it from view and at this point has taken her Facebook account down.

    I mentioned to a few people emailing me asking me to post her up on my blog, and I repeated that I needed another photo. Someone sent me a link to the shot I use above, and the rest is history.

    As for the cries of racism. I think not. There were people of every single ethnicity participating at the riots. I’ve actually seen this same “racist” cry on the facebook page that asks people to post and ID people, simply because someone posted her photo and name. It’s racist because her name “identifies” her as a certain race?

    • I was anticipating racism, and there it is, right now a few down from your comment, CV.

      • Help, help, I’m being repressed.

      • Oh bluebeard, not everyone here has as many degrees that you have, and can be so above the societal norms being displayed here. stop pandering.

      • Hey, look, he has 14 law degrees, that is pretty impressive.

        All I have is a bible 😦

  11. keep up the good work captain vancouver. There is absolutely no justification for what these people did. Nothing, nada…. it was just a hockey game. Pay the consequences of your acts camille…. in the digital era, nothing’s private anymore. We all saw you.

  12. Maybe I was wrong. Perhaps Camille was taking those items to send to the Phillipines and give to the under privilaged children. In all seriousness Camille should return the items, apologise on her facebook page, see the police and accept the charges, apologise to UBC and her rowing teammates, and to her family who have probably worked so hard to help her with her education. She needs some serious soul searching , lets see if she does any of thses things. the very least come on here and apologise

  13. you don’t think the 2 photos are enough proof? The clear photo on the right sure looks like she is holding a molitov cocktail.

  14. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Shes a theif…….im so enraged.

    thanks captain vancouver!!!!

    Edited to remove racist comment. Please be enraged and respectful without those types of comments. Thank-you

    • and… racist comment posted within minutes of Captain Vancouver saying that nothing racist was being said.

      • The comment has to do with being enraged. Like meIi share the same feeling. Camille is getting a frist rate education. Many in the Phillipines do not have the luxury for that. She has thrown all she has worked for in the toilet. so in effect she should use her specility to cleaning the toilets. From the video and the photos she looks like the thief. if it walks like a duck, qucks like a duck, then must be a duck. Quack.. quack

      • Shame, take your condescending attitude elsewhere. You like to claim that I can’t read properly? Perhaps you should go take a look and find for me where I said that “nothing racist was being said”. Perhaps you can’t read correctly. What’s your excuse? I explained mine below.

        Let me help you and actually quote for you what I did say about racism at that point of this commentary thread.

        “As for the cries of racism. I think not. There were people of every single ethnicity participating at the riots. I’ve actually seen this same “racist” cry on the facebook page that asks people to post and ID people, simply because someone posted her photo and name. It’s racist because her name “identifies” her as a certain race?”

        Also you yourself responded to that original post by saying “I was anticipating racism, and there it is, right now a few down from your comment, CV.”

        Who looks like shameful here? Not me because I look like Captain Vancouver.

      • Well now my work here is done, I have rattled Captain Vancouver. You haven’t listened to any but your supporters in true despotic nature. You know what you’re doing is wrong.

      • shame – how many bottles of perfume and moisturizer did your son steal??

  15. capatain vancouver i hope your sending these images to UBC and whatever organization she belongs to.

    She should be expelled.

    • I don’t think she should be expelled for having been caught stealing, provided she isn’t on a scholarship or anything. There is already many other consequences for her action and Education is our friend, it will allow her to be able to contribute back to society and make amends when she is older.

  16. This is fucking pathetic. Capt Vancouver, You are in no way helping the cause. Perpetuating hate is not the way our city is going to heal.

    Let the cops do their job. let the judge be the judge.

    You and the internet mobs are not qualified to pass a sentence onto potentially innocent people. While there are obvious guilty parties in these photos there are also innocent people being damned without a trial. as an example I have a friend who’s facebook comment was printscreened and photoshopped as saying “trashed and flipped 2 cop cars and punched a lady in the face downtown!!! RIOT 2011!” who is now recieving death threats constantly.

    While you may have good intentions it’s just a matter of time until someone undeserving gets demonized or hurt. This is just another lawless riot in itself.

    • RM you have very strong emotions. I am sorry for your friend if that is the case. In Camille’s case the video is very clear, I am sure you have seen it. Capt. Vancouver does his research, read his last post above. If this is not the girl in the photo, Camille and her family will hire a lawyer and sue. But i am sure once they see the video and Camille admits to her crime, only then can true healing can happen. If this website and others were not available I feel vigilantism would occur. So try and not go on and castigate us Vancouverites, we all experainced this horrific night together. All we are doing is notifying the perps that we know about them and their actions and to do the right thing..

      • that is not all that “you” and the rest of you here are doing. you are engaging in mob mentality through casting verbal abuse that is approaching hate crimes. I am not condoning the actions that any of these people did, and they do deserve to be brought to justice. And while you Mark may not be saying anything reprehensible, many of the commentators on this site are. and without any conscious awareness that what they are doing is wrong. Racism and misogyny are worse than the crimes committed by these people.

    • Unfortunately what you and I stand for are on opposite ends. I’ve stated more than a few times now that I believe every action that one takes has consequences. The friend you defend for his post shows his lack of judgement also paints you with the exact reason why I created this blog. If you do not understand this now, perhaps years from now you will. Ever watch the news about the sexting scandals happening in US highschools? It was a hot topic a few months ago. The young kids and some of their parents were defending them saying “kids will be kids”. So true, one can judge that example according to their own morality, however nothing will ever erase the consequences of their actions. Therefore, the one with naked photos of themselves or in the case of your friend, typing a stupid Facebook status, there will always be someone that will judge that. If you think otherwise, I’ll let others comment as you’re surely in the minority here. Plus, I’ve got to go eat and do some work now. Cheers from Captain Vancouver!

      • you obviously can’t read either. he said it was photoshopped to say something that wasn’t said. i have given you a lot more credit than you deserve. for this reason alone you should stop what you are doing because you are not infallible. you just made a mistake. “people make mistakes!” you’ll say, and that’s why there is due process. way to go, you just proved the point of any of us who are trying to tell you that what you are doing is wrong.

      • Shame, I can obviously read but when I’m eating and trying to read quickly I made a mistake. In either case if you think that my misreading something is equal to people looting and rioting, you’ve got something much more invested in proving your point than I do.

        Nothing was proved by misreading his post other than I have one eye on my phone screen, the other on a fork bringing food to my mouth, and the other watching CNN. Believe me, I pay a lot more attention before I post a photo up. You have been humbly replied to by Captain Vancouver. Now present your case as to how misreading his comment is equal to providing “due process” to those clearly seen in photos doing a crime.

      • well for another thing, it wasn’t my post you misread. but to recap for you, you mis-judged RH’s friend and RH himself by association. that’s not listening to the facts. and you’re now in a position where you have idiots following you with a rallying cry. a complete abuse of power.

        but i’m glad you edited the racist comment, i guess. can you keep that up?

      • You just edited your response! Did you do that before or after I pointed out your 2nd error? I no longer care. Honestly when the site first came up we all really enjoyed it. It was much smarter than the other vigilante pages. But the comments degrade everything you’re trying to prove. Again, just take away the commenting function and you’ll be back to Captain Vancouver’s ideal. I’m gone by the way, I’m done here. Don’t think you won me over, I am just no longer interested in being confronted with the futility of such idiocy by the common populace. You seem a step above, maybe you’ll do the right thing one day. Good luck with your delusions there.

      • Shame, frankly I can moderate only so much. I will moderate and delete those posts I deem unacceptable. However, I did not anticipate this blog currently being #1 on WordPress, and also having the #1 currently read blog posting. It has almost 1700 comments as of now, and should hit 600,000 views in a couple hours. I don’t have the resources and time available to watch what every person says. So the answer is yes when I see it, and no when it slips thru the cracks. That is reality and how life works.

      • While Shame leaves this site, for the record I reread what I had written after I had hit reply. I changed it at that point. Too bad wordpress doesn’t show time stamps of when edits occur as the thought did cross my mind that Shame would jump on this.

    • RH, you mad bro?

    • Sorry R.H., you’re friend is a moron. They may not have been involved but to have something so stupid as their Facebook status is just plain ignorant. I know if ,say, one of the cars trashed was mine and someone’s status was ” flipped a Beamer, burnt it, riot, riot” , I’d want to investigate that person. Joke or no joke. There’s already been people who have had these moronic statuses who have retracted them and claim joke, only to find out they weren’t joking.

      These “jokes” undermine everything that is being done to bring the real culprits to justice. If you want to be cool and post some idiotic status, then suffer the consequences of your stupidity. Let’s not forget that alot of these rioters were doing it just to be cool. No need to fuel the fire. An example has to be set that this type of behavior will not be tolerated. I doubt the countless people whose cars were destroyed or the family businesses that had to defend their property would find this cool or amusing. If I were them, I’d want your friend investigated, just to be sure.

      I say anyone with these ridiculous statuses be investigated. Send their Facebook page to the VPD, get a photo and cross reference it with all the footage that is available. If this precedent is set, in the future, people will think twice about participating in such acts. They’ll leave the scene. This will thin out the herd and allow police to capture them easier. Perhaps it will curb these unnecessary actions altogether.

      The fact that this person is your friend makes you a moron as well. Instead of coming here and defending them, you should be scolding them for being so stupid. Alot of people are sensitive about this issue right now and I don’t blame people for wanting to expose every single person who supports what happened Wednesday night. Joking or otherwise. I know if it was my friend, I’d be giving them a piece of my mind. I have too many friends that are good people to worry about one idiot or two. Talking and joking amongst friends is one thing but putting it out there on Facebook is a totally different thing. You’re just asking for trouble.

    • are wrong..and here’s why.
      Our justice system is overburdened with cases of criminals walking free or getting their wrists slapped. The courts are a revolving door joke. Prolific offenders are often
      thrown back into society and wait months before they have a court appearance and meanwhile they are back doing more crime.
      Public shaming these rioters is a form of social justice. You had thousands of people out on the streets with cameras and their images capture the marauders, thieves, punks, vandals, arsonists and looters quite handily. It’s a technology-friendly atmosphere where goofs can post “I had a wonderful time detting fire to cars, fighting cops and stealing purses” on their Twitter and Facebook statuses. With the help of Captain Vancouver and others, these people are now being shamed.
      There are consequences for misdeeds and it’s way beyond time for people to realize that our courts aren’t doing what they should.
      When you realize that murdering someone in Canada generally results in a 25 to 30 year sentence, you have to know the courts are weak and ineffective.
      Public shaming is only one aspect of the consequences the rioting lowlifes deserve.
      Certainly, the police and crown prosecutors are the ones that make the final decision as to whether to proceed with criminal charges. After that, the lawyers and judges hammer out what they believe justice to be.
      Unfortunately, leniency and reprimands are the order of the day.
      So I have no reservations in helping to publicly shame any of those who took part in a riot that will cost upwards of millions of dollars.

    • Haha RH? Just trying to defend your scumbag friend who posts incriminating status’s.

  17. As a UBC alumni this concerned me a great deal. I contacted UBC with the information and they have said they will be in contact with the authorities and Camille if a positive I.D. is confirmed. They were very quick to get back to me and I actually had a very good conversation with them, they plan on being very pro-active if any of their student’s are associated with these terrible events

    • That’s good to hear! Thanks for letting us know.

    • Wow Don, great stuff. Keep up the good work.

    • As a UBC Science alumni, I’m very very happy to hear that UBC’s taking pro-active steps in dealing with students like her. She’s a DISGRACE to my faculty, my school and (first and foremost) my city.

      Thank you for reporting her. Please continue to do so for any other UBC students found to be associated with this kind of despicable behaviour.

    • Did you advise them about Sarah McCusker too?

  18. I don’t care about gender or race. A thief is a thief and a rioter is a rioter. I just sent this wonderful ink of here off to her Mother via Facebook. I hope your Momma and Dad are proud of you. Enjoy the loot and the criminal record Ms. Do Good.

  19. Oh Camille. What a smile. What a hypocrite. What a loser.

  20. I hope she is expelled immediately from the UBC Team and removed as Ambassador from the Bulacan Community Project. This is pathetic. And it goes without saying that she should also be penalized to the fullest extent of the law. This makes me sick.

  21. I saw the video and boy did she look happy as she came running out the store. Probably was thinking what a rush the whole affair was. Hope she gets what she deserves.

  22. Thank you for your email. We are very sad to hear this news and cannot believe that a past volunteer was engaged in this riot.

    We have worked really hard to build a value-driven, non-profit organization that is providing opportunities for Canadians to help build homes in the Philippines.

    Along with UBC, Rowing Club, Burrard Acura, and any other organization that Camille was associated with, we are all shocked by this incident and this unfortunate situation is not a reflection of who we are and our mission, vision and values. Enspire does not condone this type of behaviour and unfortunately, we cannot control the actions of past volunteers. We have organized numerous programs and events over the past 12 years and have had many volunteers that helped Enspire achieve its’ mission.

    We still can’t believe that the riot occurred and that so many of the violators are students or young people who have never had any past history of violence. We are so deeply disheartened by all of this and hope that those involved will learn their lesson that violence is unacceptable.

    Thank you once again for bringing this to our attention.

    If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me at 604.561.8143.

    On behalf of Enspire Foundation

    • Wow! Proof positive that Captain Vancouver is making great progress and people are listening!

      • Captain Vancouver is reposting information that been on other websites for a day or more.
        But he does have the best name.

    • Thank you for the reply.

      You have stepped up and i for one appreciate that. You are so correct that you cannot control past volunteers. If I could suggest that you remove her from your web site and re post to my suggestion, that you will take back any and all referance letters you provided to her and not offer a referance letter in the future. I look forward to your repost.


    • yes!…expose the bitch

    •’s official! I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!

    • @David
      I’m sure no one puts any blame on the organizations that she was a part of. But, the statement was put very well and I, for one, wish your organization good luck. Thanks for taking the time to comment on this.

      • @David
        I’m sure no one puts any blame on the organizations that she was a part of. But, the statement was put very well and I, for one, wish your organization good luck. Thanks for taking the time to comment on this.

        edit: er lorie

  23. She is one of those opportunistic looters. Let the others do the damage and then ‘sneak’ in there and grab something, thinking she will never get caught. Well, you got caught girl and you should be punished because looting is a crime. She was happy as hell running out of that store. Now it’s time to wipe that smile off your face.

  24. Captain Vancouver if you are able to block IP’s of those who will not give up defending the criminals you should. I do not condone the racist or misogynist comments made about the criminals, and I think they should be edited out or deleted to lend some validity to the site. The last thing you want is whiners defending the criminals for any reason, lets not give anyone that reason.

    These criminals need to be shamed! They deserve to be, and will be based on the comments made by those veiwing the pictures.

    Keep up the great work!!

  25. Camila was totally having a good time in there, she loooved it, you can just tell by the photo.
    / another note, here another guy…

    Troy Stewart

  26. They used to put a tattoo on the foreheads of criminals as a permanent marker.

    These vandals, thugs, morons & fools have something even worse. They have a digital tattoo, one that will live forever in the Internet, identifying these idiots for all times.

    An ID for potential employees.
    An ID for future police actions.
    An ID for future marriage partners.
    An ID for future business partners.
    An ID for US Border Agents

    A permanent digital tattoo that will follow their useless, pathetic lives around, haunting their career prospects, marriage & family plans . . . everything they ever do.

    Sure hope they had fun at the riot, ’cause their riot induced digital tattoo is sure now gonna have fun with their lives. For ever and ever.

    And they deserve all the future digital tattoo inspired justice they receive.

    • Young people love the power of the internet, but the power cuts both ways depending on how stupid one is. Camille honey, you were done-in by a 3-second Youtube clip. That must be a world record.

  27. Yeah, cries of misindentification, misogyny, and racism aside – give her info to the police and let THEM decide. If shes innocent, she has nothing to worry about…right? RIGHT??

  28. what organizations is this chick from?.

    please list.

    thank you.

    • A note from Enspire (above) indicates that she is a past volunteer, so I would dissuade folks from bothering them about it. They clearly want nothing to do with her in the future.

  29. this should be sent to all Phillipino news papers in Vancouver as well as tv.Im positive there is a Philippino chanel offered local.

  30. There is no excuse for stupidity, regardless of Race or Gender, Stealing is Stealing end of story! Unfortunate that she goes to university but she should definitely know better

  31. Heard she works for Burrard Acura as a receptionist part time…but was let go today.

    • Awesome. Have a riot finding a job, Camille. By the way, I hire biologists. If I ever see your name on a resume, I’ll call you in for an interview just to tear a strip off you myself. Way to shame our city and humiliate its fine people.

      • Wow, you have 14 law degrees and you hire biologists? You are truly an amazing man. I would take my hat off for you, if it were not glued to my skull.

      • Yeah, the bit about 14 law degrees is what’s known as sarcasm. Sorry, I thought that would be obvious.

      • Sorry, that bit about taking you seriously was what’s known as sarcasm.
        Sorry, I thought that would be obvious.

    • good!!! have fun trying to find another job wench!

  32. That’s good news to hear. It’s nice to see that model companies are taking a position on this, and taking immediate action. I commend Burrard Acura. However I suspect she still has a long way to go to before she can say she has paid her debt back to the citizens of Vancouver and Black & Lee Tuxedo.

  33. Dear Burrard Acura

    I am one of many thousands of people from BC who are ashamed of the actions during the recent Vancouver riots. As such there is probably nothing I can say that hasn’t been repeated thousands of times over, other than to say I wanted to extend my support to the entire management team at Burrard Acura for making the decision to terminate Camille Cacnio for her part in the riots and the damage that was caused at Black & Lee Tuxedo.

    It takes great strength and great courage, as a business leader in the community to stand up and say they will not tolerate such behavior from anyone who serves their company, and to be in the public eye for doing so. You have demonstrated that the integrity of your business, the people that you serve on a daily basis will not be tarnished by those who do not act in accordance with today’s laws, or tarnish the reputation of such a great city and the people who call this home.

    On behalf of everyone who has been affected, on behalf of all the victims, and behalf of my community, thank you for taking a stance.

    Citizen of Vancouver
    Taking Back What’s Our’s…..Our City!

    • I’m in the market for a new car. I think I’m going to pay the folks at Burrard Acura a visit and see if they have a vehicle I may like to purchase.

  34. So long, Camille. I hope the court gets full restitution out of you, 500 community service hours, and serves you up a deportation order upon completion of those hours. Yes, life will be hard back home, but you didn’t do well enough with the good life in Canada either, so your hopes and dreams suddenly became very irrelevant to us, and yourself apparently. You don’t belong here.

  35. There is no right to privacy when committing assault on a police officer, or lighting a police cruiser on fire, or when smashing the window of a store and stealing property.

    Keep up the great work capt Van.

  36. To Captain Vancouver,

    Please remove the UBC B Team photo from this blog. You did not ask for permission from the individuals pictured. They do not need to be lumped in with someone like Camille Cacnio.

    Thank you!

    • That photo is not on this blog, he just posted a link to a public posting.
      If someone (presumably you) doesn’t want to be associated with this person, they should remove the picture for the public domain. Ie, take it off their site.

    • Barbara,

      It’s a hyperlink, not a picture hosted on the blog. You dont need permission to post a link on a site.

    • I’m all for calling out rioters. I have no opinion regarding the UBC B Team photo or Barbara’s request…but I thought I should point out that the picture is in a public place on the internet. No one needs permission from anyone to post that picture, especially if they are simply posting a link to the picture and not hosting the picture on their own site.

  37. While your at it Captain remove the homophobic comments on the other thread as well.

  38. i agree.!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. I’m so appalled that anyone, but in particular anyone who comes from a country where things are very difficult, could take part in these sorts of things. I agree she should be deported to her home country if (and I hope) there are Canadian laws about such things. I love Canada, their beautiful cities and people – I’m so saddened by all of this.

    Edit insert: Camille Cacnio has been in Canada since she was 7 months old as a baby. She is a Canadian citizen.

    • You are so naive, just because she is of ethnic decent you assume she is not Canadian?

      Shame on you for being an ignorant twit!

  40. I love this site.
    What an incredibly powerful tool. It could turn into a very profitable business if expanded to other criminals.
    As far as the culprits from the riot go, i suggest that once they turn themselves in and have given a public apology they should be removed from the site. and/or put on a busted list..
    way to go, get them all!!!

  41. Found on the youtube comment section

    Camille was FIRED from her job as a receptionist at Burrard Acura for her role in this!

    Awesome job Burrard!

  42. I appreciate you letting me know about this particular aspect of this sorry episode. I assume that the VPD will follow up on the allegation. I have notified the person at UBC who oversees the student discipline process. Since this whole issue is evolving rapidly, there has not been time for the required discussions here about what process UBC will use should any members of its community be suspected or proven to have been involved in illegal acts.
    Dr. Paul G. Harrison
    Associate Dean, Students
    Faculty of Science

    • yes!!!!! thank you

    • As an alumna of UBC, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your concern about this matter and your prompt reply in a public forum. I sincerely hope that any UBC students who are have evidently participated in the riot (whether convicted in criminal court or not) will be suspended (or more) from the institution. Again, my sincere thanks to your attention in this matter.

  43. This is a very scary site. The commenters have got to be the biggest collection of mean-spirited, holier than thou, snitches i have ever seen assembled in one place.

    People make mistakes. “Let he who hasn’t sinned cast the first stone.”

    Look in your history books, folks, it was good citizens, snitches, people who make a lot of generalizations about immigrants and others, who were the back bone of Hitler’s Nazism. A lot of people, drunk, got caught up in an extremely exceptional event and now you all want to throw enough shame and guilt on them to last a lifetime. Even quite a few calling for deportations! Scary lack of understanding and spiritual/intellectual depth on display here.

    • I was wondering how long it would take before someone would post “snitches get stitches”.

    • the racism, sexism and homophobia displayed by the people on this site scare me just as much as the riot did. The people on this site are cowards who hide behind anonymity and cast out hate that goes far beyond justice, no different than the rioters IMO just expressed in a different way.

      this site is a disgrace to our city just as much as wednesday night was.

    • Wake up Sean. You’ve been mollycoddled and sheltered for way too long.
      Anyone who participated in the riot deserves any public shamimg they recieve.
      There is no perception of privacy in the commission of a crime in public.

    • Quoting the Bible is a bad move considering it is filled with God endorsed murder, rape, pedophilia, and genocide. Then again maybe Camille was practicing her God given right to loot. Yes, we all make mistakes, but some very serious crimes were committed with the first one being a riot. A riot under these circumstances is an offense against your community and anyone who participated should be dealt with severely.

      Seriously? Nazism? At what point in the conversation did the Canadian government enact a ‘final solution?’ You might want to revisit the history books yourself. They deserve the humiliation and a snitch is only a snitch to the guilty in this circumstance. BTW ‘I was drunk’ is usually not a successful defense in a court of law.

      Sadly, this will all be forgotten in the next news cycle so I’m sure all the little dirt bags that participated in the riot will be able to move on with their lives in anonymity.

    • Fuck you terrorist sympathizing scumbag. The justice system will not punish these people. A recount of their actions online is what normal people can do to help. we must make sure no one forgets who these subhumans are, If they can’t get a job in 10 years because a possible employer finds this information than good!!! That is exactly why we are here outing these animals.They are the ones who decided to attack Vancouver first, we are just fighting back

      • loloololol you’re an honest to god fascist, I’m not even trying to be insulting I just want you to be aware of what you are spouting.seriously look it up its uncanny.

      • Never forget, these people and there friends are just like terrorist in a sleeper cell.

    • While I understand your sentiments to a point, I feel the hateful comments are the result of misguided “progressive” attitudes towards crime. People are bloody well frustrated. If I had confidence in our “justice” system, I probably wouldn’t be here. You couldn’t look me in the eye and tell me this kids would be punished. You know it would be a lie. Forgive and forget? Fuck that. If someone is caught on film looting or setting a car on fire, they have to live with the consequences. Do you honestly think all these kids who have confessed did so out of civic duty or remorse? Nope. They did it because a real kind of justice is occurring and they are afraid.

    • You’re right, this IS a scary site. I in no way would EVER condone racism, homophobia etc. However, it’s scary for the people who thought it was a good idea to trash our beautiful city. Hopefully sites like this scare the hell out of people like this, ruin their lives, like they tried their damndest to ruin honest businesses. Next time the Canucks are in the final, maybe more idiots like this will think twice and stay the fuck home, so the rest of us can have some fun with our fellow “real” fans.

  44. I am disappointed at the people involved in the riot, and even more so at those who have participated in looting. They know that it is not how one contributes to a civilized society, but behind their (presumed) veil of anonymity they did it anyway.

    With that pretext, the comments on this site is disturbing. There are comments that reads to me as venting against “privileged kids”, others that have racist/sexist undertones, and others (like offenders getting raped in jail) that are just plain awful. I think the commenters know that this is not how one contributes to a civilized society, but behind their (presumed) veil of anonymity they did it anyway.

    Capt Vancouver – please disable the anonymous comments. Though very different in magnitude, the mob mentality shown here is same in character to the riot. There are very irresponsible comments, the kind that the commenters would not want to associate with their real names for the rest of their lives; require a FB profile to post will help towards some sense or civility. Or better, replace the comments with a “like” button for people to show their support for your cause and disdain for rioters; the hate language needs to stop.

    Edit insert: As I sit here for 6 hours straight just going thru all the comments in order to moderate them closely and remove inflammatory postings, it is clear to me that I need to come up with solution of some sort. I do not wish to disable comments as that is part of the evolution of everyone trying to figure out what is going on and voicing their feelings. I’m literally halfway thru the 3000 plus comments right now and will come up with something. I don’t want to be doing another 3000 at once in the future. Capt. Vancouver


  45. There must be a lot of people reading this site, because there’s a huge amount of comments.

  46. To all those who support Camille and say she doesn’t deserve this – go talk to the management team at Black and Lee.

    • And what? Ask them not to press charges? Charge her under the Riot Act and give her life in prison.


  48. […] Camille Cacnio has been fired from her job for looting the night of the riot. Interesting, Camille was a member of the Enspire Foundation. Her profile – which has since been removed – quoted her as saying “As cliché as it sounds, I really do try to make the world a better place – which is why I am so excited that I am taking part in the Bulacan Community Project as an Ambassador. Life is hard back at home, but through our dedication that can slowly change.” […]

  49. Camille so deserves to be called on her criminal actions and misdeeds, as does anyone who participated in the rioting, looting, arson and assaults.
    Anyone with an ounce of self-respect and some moral foundation would realize that rioting was wrong. Sometimes people have to learn the hard way.
    Public shaming is now a digital entity as was the ability to capture the mayhem on cell phones.
    I don’t, for one second, believe she or anyone else caught is truly remorseful in the truest sense of the word. They may be sorry for being caught but they obviously LOVED being involved in the chaos when they thought they wouldn’t be caught.

  50. I feel very sorry for Black & Lee. I would imagine this week was suppose to be huge for them with multiple grads, weddings, etc..

    Imagine having your entire inventory being stolen mid-week by mindless riot zombies.

    Hard to say if insurance covers looting. Probably not.

  51. I’m just glad social media, cellphone camera’s, heck even the internet did not exist when I was a foolish youth. I never took part in riots or looted but like everyone here I did my share of stupid things when i was younger which thank god didn’t get posted on the Internet.

    These people are idiots and deserve to be punished, but I also believe in second chances, especially for people who are otherwise good human beings who just got caught up in the mob mentality like this girl likely did.

    Unfortunately blogs like this are not going to make those second chances easy to come by.

    • What about society’s first chance? You know, the first chance to finally be able to bring justice to a group of people who usually get away with being violent scumbags who loot and destroy. Chances are something for people who make mistakes. These people made a conscious choice to take part in illegal activities ONLY because they thought they could get away with. So now that they were caught, we should feel bad for these poor souls? Every single one of them says “I never do stuff like this, I feel sooo bad!” Yah right. My ass.


      • “what about society’s first chance..”

        Gimme a break. Not my point.

        Point is once they have served their punishment most should get a second chance. These aren’t murderers and rapists. Some are young kids who got caught up in the moment and made some poor decisions likely under the influence of alcohol. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be punished, but you paint them all with the same brush and want to throw them ALL under the bus.

        Grow up

        Thankfully the people who will be making the real decisions have a little more life experience than some of the zealots posting here.

    • “Thankfully the people who will be making the real decisions have a little more life experience than some of the zealots posting here.”

      Really? Thats funny cuz from what I understood of what the leadership in vancouver was saying, they were going to nail these guys to the wall. They said they had no intention of going easy on any of these people. The world is tired of spoiled shits who dont understand how good they have it to live in a free nation. Start the nailing Vancouver! Good job!

  52. I would like to inform everyone here that Camille is a friend of mine, and remains a friend of mine. She is a very bright person and truly deserves the degree she has worked hard for. She is a hard-working and driven woman and has surely done enough good to outweigh one single act of of Iooting, of which she is accused. I happen to know that Camille is a very caring person. She’s been part of at least one overseas humanitarian project that I know of and that act, on its own, deserves our respect and thanksgiving. I also happen to know that Camille is a Canadian-born citizen and thus cannot be deported under Canadian law.

    I believe that Camille’s act, if proven to be illegal under the law, deserves an appropriate punishment. Some of you believe that she deserves more, including public humiliation. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t matter what you think. Equally, it doesn’t matter what I think. It’s the law. And the law is designed to be fair.

    I would also like to point out that the same spirit of hatred, the same mob mentality that we witnessed last Wednesday, is by no stretch of the imagination present here. Each hateful comment against Camille made here matches each punch landed, each item stolen, each window smashed in unjustness.

    You may all express your opinions of Camille here if you want. There are laws that protect your right to do so. But there is nothing you can say or do to bend the law in your favour. This is fact.

    • Can you honestly equate the actions of scumbag rioters to people being angry about it and seeking justice? Is that the way your brain seriously works? And we can drop the “crime for which she is accused” act. This isnt a court of law so we dont have to use legal speak until she is officially convicted. You can see with your two eyes that she is not only guilty, but grinning about it.
      You want to tell me shes a good person because she did some good stuff. Well, the real measure of a good person is when they do the right thing, when no one is looking. I hope what she stole was worth it.

    • You’re friend has very poor decision making capabilities… and hopefully a criminal record soon.

      I wonder how you would feel if it was your family whose business was destroyed and looted. What about them?

    • Will Camille order wallet sized copies of her mugshot for all her friends?
      If so, you deserve 2 of them for being such a great friend.

    • Renato,

      There is obviously bias in your part because she is your friend. And you make some fair points that it doesn’t matter what people think, as the law is designed to be fair. You have seen the youtube I am sure, as well as the screenshot photo. Be completely objective and realize that the evidence does not look good in her favour, and she will likely be punished by the authorities accordingly. Even if she is charged a minor offence, with the age of Internet and social media, she will be shamed for a very long time and our society is not very forgiving when it comes to committing a crime. People have a right to form opinions and feel hatred for what she did. I disagree with you that the feelings of hatred “matches each punch landed, each item stolen, each window smashed in unjustness.” If people were to go to her house and attack her, then that would be uncalled for. But to discuss her actions on an online medium is completely fair and legitimate, as people post opinions about anything over the Internet. It’s not a crime.

      It may not feel right for you as she is your friend, but that is the consequence she must deal with for committing a crime. We understand that people make mistakes and can sometimes get caught up in the moment, but there is no excuse for her actions, just as there is no excuse for any other crime that was committed on the Wednesday night disgrace. I am sure that if it was someone else that was being talked about that you didn’t know, then you would not care as much.

      You can say that she is a bright and caring person, and that may be true. But the same can be said of the other people who participated in the riot and looting. The fact is, it doesn’t justify what they did, and they must face the consequences of their actions and learn from them.

      • Yeah, okay Rodney. I’m sure you’re the right guy to gauge our society’s ability to forgive. There was scarcely anything inaccurate with what I wrote. You know Camille too, so don’t think your middle name is a witty enough way to mask who you are. The comments made here are equal to the acts of Wednesday in their hate and ill-intent. Read them, Rodney. There’s no arguing around that.

        No excuses are being made here by me for what’s coming to her through the law, IF it does come. I am simply defending my friend from unfounded personal attacks. That’s my right and you can’t stop that. There’s no arguing around that.

        Look, people have the right to feel hatred if they want. Equally, I have the right to defend her and point all of you to the law, which will ultimately decide what happens to her, regardless of bias. You can’t arguing against me on that, Rodney.

      • Very well said.

      • Kind of a douchebag move, Renato, giving up voltaire’s first name for everyone on this site to see. Now that you’ve outed him why don’t you give up your own name as well?

      • Renato,
        You just lost all credibility by publishing Rodney’s name. The fact is, she made a stupid move looting. I do hope she will be punished but in our soft court system, she will only get a slap on the wrist. Her legacy on the other hand will continue. Every time I walk into a store, I will always wonder if they are judging because I’m Filipino. She has given the Filipino community a bad name. So a lapse of judgement on her part became a burden for us.

      • To be honest with you, I don’t feel bad about it. I actually didn’t out Rodney. If you click on his name, “voltaire,” it will send you to what I imagine is his blog, with his full name as part of its address. He even said here, if you scroll down, that he isn’t hiding from anyone, so I imagine he doesn’t really mind. Thanks for your concern, though, guys.

      • Thanks guys. Renato is right that I don’t really mind not being anonymous. I actually know Camille too and have already expressed my displeasure to her. But Renato, you really shouldn’t call out people like that though in this medium.

      • I promise I won’t do it again, Rodney. Thanks brah

    • If looting is proven to be illegal under the law? I think it might be. Got to love video evidence.

      She will have a much harder time going on her next overseas humanitarian mission and those cross border shopping trips have just dried up – for life. She will set off the sirens and red flashing lights once the US INS officer punches in her name.

      • not likely she would be convicted of a serious enough crime to have travel problems.
        The childish attitudes in this thread are as bad as the opportunistic looters. She’s not going to jail, and she’s not going to be blacklisted for life, because the justice system is mostly run by adults who understand degrees of guilt.

    • It is in Camille’s best interest not to have friends, speaking on her behalf, berate those who are genuinely outraged by her actions. She needs to demonstrate contrition and willingness to atone for her actions, and maybe at a future date ask for forgiveness from the people she has offended. She demonstrated very poor judgment, and had the misfortune of doing so within an incredibly charged and emotionally-laden context. She must understand that her crime was more than stealing a couple (few?) hundred dollars worth of clothes. Through this action, in her small way, she contributed to the mob mentality which empowered the actions of many others.

      That being said, this particular outing has intrigued me. She seems to have committed a RELATIVELY minor offense (e.g., she didn’t tip over cars, beat anyone up, vandalize, etc.), yet she is getting some of the most attention. It does make me wonder the role her ethnicity or gender might be playing in people’s reaction to her. That being said, I don’t know these people so I would never level that accusation. Furthermore, it does NOT mitigate HER actions.

      Finally, I do agree with you in that she does not deserve to be marked with a scarlet letter. The evidence speaks to her being a good person who made a mistake. And I certainly hope this is not something she carries around for the rest of her life. People are ultimately forgiving, but they need this time to vent and unload. She must learn to take this for the time being and do everything possible to atone for her actions. I know it is not easy to be painted in this light on the web and by people she knows — especially in light of her general good character — but it is the ultimate cost of her actions. I sincerely wish her the best of luck.

      • I agree with most of what you said. And you said it well and respectfully. However, I’m not speaking on Camille’s behalf and I don’t see how I’m berating people. I think the majority of what I wrote, if not all, was defensive in nature.

      • Well, I won’t nit-pick your use of language, but that’s the way it came off to me. I actually consider it noble that you came here to speak up for her.

        More importantly, I just wanted to convey the correct way for her to navigate this process — especially in light of the fact she seems to be a decent person. I am a criminologist by trade, and have studied how the labeling/stigmatization process occurs both formally and informally. This initial period is very important for people reacting to her crime, and must be treated by her with a very contrite and non-defensive manner — with the exception of the nuts who say or do anything to threaten her. If she can get through this initial phase, while doing things to atone for her actions and reintegrating herself back into society, people will be forgiving down the road. It is a well established psychological fact that most people can not remain angry at those whose behavior does not justify their anger. Essentially, while this period will be tough for her, I would encourage her not to lose hope, and that things will get better if she navigates it correctly.

        Again, I wish her the best.

    • My name is Rodney Noriega. I’m not hiding from anyone. Voltaire just happened to by my username on wordpress when I signed up a few years ago, so I apologize if I gave you the impression that I’m masking my identity. Thanks for assuming though. Furthermore, your reply has a condescending tone, which means I shouldn’t bother trying to reason with you. I actually had respect for you to take time and write a long response to your message, as your first post had some good points.

      • Well, I’m sorry you feel that way. I will gladly receive a response when you’re ready. My apologies if you feel slighted in any way.

    • First of all people stop using your real names. You’re just asking for trouble. There’s a reason why whistle blowers are given anonymity. There are a few crackpots around that just might look you up and exact some retribution. This does not apply to the dirt bags we see committing the crimes. They lost their right to anonymity the moment they committed their crime. I have no problem saying this because it is obvious that a crime has been committed. That doesn’t mean they should be tracked down and lynched. It does mean that we have a right to observe and ridicule their behaviour, employers have a right to dismiss them, and families to ostracize. Let the courts decide their punishment, but I am allowed to say whatever I please about their actions. Camille has demonstrated extremely poor judgement and I do look forward to seeing her pay for her crime. This will not follow her forever, but it will for the immediate future. She should have her moment of suffering and deep personal reflection. This should be a very emotionally painful experience for her and in that I have no sympathy.

    • Camille has shown her true colours. She was part of the mob that destroyed livlihoods, destroyed the reputation of a wonderful city, and embarrassed an entire country. By her participation in these heinous acts, she has shown herself to be a disgusting individual with poisoned character. Everything she stood for, everything she professed to be, everything she worked and strove for has been erased in one appalling act. Your devotion to your friend is admirable, but give your head a shake. She’s destroyed her life.. don’t let her destroy yours by association.

      The Internet never forgets. Her life, as she knew it, is over.

      • I agree with livlihood that by everything she worked towards was suddenly erased by one completely shameful act. Some might say it’s a bit harsh. BUT Vancouver spent 10 YEARS and BILLIONS of dollars on the Olympics, by trying to show the world how wonderful of a city we really are and how the true Canadian spirit is really embraced amongst us all Vancouverites. It was repeatedly said, it would bring great revenue to the tourism industry and many will prosper over the long haul. ALL OF THAT was erased by ONE single act, a riot, okay more like one event, but still…all that erased within a few hours. The Internet really will never forget. Camille Cacnio will lump into the category of abominable losers of the riot and in a year, she will slowly fade from our memories just as any stranger or individual passerby does. But the city of Vancouver, will suffer greatly, tourism will probably come to a grinding halt and the main goal of the Olympics will have been the greatest loss the city will have ever faced. Also not to mention, since we’ll have to pay for the Olympics for the next few decades, this riot has most definitely pushed the ‘next few decades’ to the ‘next few generations’.

    • She worked hard for her degrees?

      Are you sure she didn’t loot them as well?

    • Ah ok I get it, so we basically shouldn’t be angry and Camille because that would put us on the same level as the rioters? I think we all understand your logic Renato. Anybody who comdemns criminals becomes a criminal themself. Boy the air must be very thin on that planet inside your head Renato.

    • When you act like a piece of garbage in PUBLIC, people will judge you like one. And if she is such a saint, she should come forward and make amends, charged or not.

  53. Kevin:

    Yes. Seeking justice is fine. Launching personal vendettas against another person, bordering on defamation, is a hateful act and thus can be equated with other hateful acts, such as lighting a police car on fire.

    Yes. My brain works this way.

    I don’t care if this isn’t a court of law. This is how the situation will ultimately be resolved and this is the kind of language with which it will be resolved. Again, you can’t do anything about that. And I’m not going to stop. Also, smiling is not a crime. I’m sure she’s not smiling now, anyway.

    I happen to agree with you on your whole anecdote on the measure of a good person. But, surely, the fact that one or more persons are present while a good act is being carried out doesn’t demerit that act.

    • All this for looting a tuxedo jacket…and FOR WHO?? It was a tuxedo for crying out loud. Tell your friend she’s not very smart. Obviously, all those years at UBC didn’t help.

    • Regardless of any legal ramifications which may or may not result subsequent travel restrictions or employment opportunity and regardless of any opinions expressed on this page defending or damning her character – all it will take is a simple google search of her name by any prospective employer or partner and her association with the riots will be made clear.

      That is why I applaud this blog and that is why it’s importance cannot be understated.

      In the ways in which the justice system may occasionally fail us — the policing of ourselves by an accepted standard or concept of social morality thru the use of social media will damn the perpetrators whether their defenders like it or not.

  54. Buelligan: I would encourage them to seek justice through our justice system.

    Shame The Scum!: Why would I want a mugshot of my friend? That doesn’t make any sense. Would you want a mugshot of your friend? Would you ever request one if she/he landed in jail?

  55. What do you think the odds are that Camille has cheated on her degree?

    UBC should do an audit of her assignments and exams.

  56. I will be writing UBC and the Enspire Foundation to say how disgusted I am. Looting = Jail in my books and a simple apology or b.s about getting “caught up in the moment” won’t do. These children need to be taught lessons on how the world works and how to behave. Pathetic.

  57. ^^^ UBC and the Enspire Foundation have already released statements regarding her involvement and have already disassociated themselves from her.

  58. Renato – How good do you really know Camille? You probably thought that she would never do something like this…but she DID. So how good do you REALLY know her? All she had to do was walk away, not even call the cops, just walk away…but there was something that made her go in there and loot. Maybe, just maybe, the friend you are defending is really not the person you thought she was.

    • I’m sure that everyone here, including you, have done things for which they are ashamed. In my life experience the most hypocritical people are the ones who do the most criticizing.

  59. I think the amount of attention garnered towards Camille is likely because 1. she’s a university student, and at UBC too one of the most well-known universities in Vancouver and BC, 2. her previous experience of goodwill that shows someone as kind and respectful and 3. due to all of these characteristics above has committed a crime that the many believe have been committed by “hooligans” and “misfits”. What she has allegedly done is like that stain on a clean white dress: something completely out the blue which makes her story so intriguing. She made a bad judgement on a night filled with emotion and aspects that can cause people to behave in ways they never thought they could (Stanford Prison Experiment anyone?) and I sincerely believe she, and many others, know that it was wrong and she is sorry. Camille will likely continue to receive her rightfully deserved consequences for her actions, but please do not attack Renato for his/her beliefs. We do not know the entire story yet, so it will be up to Captain Vancouver and the media to inform us what will be the end to Camille’s story. #thisismyvancouver

    • Well said Eric. I think a lot of people here, including myself, are still angry and disgusted over what happened on Wednesday night. And it’s easy to vent our anger out towards the ones who contributed to the riot/looting/vandalistm/violence. I am disappointed in Camille for sure, and I admit that I have not reacted well to it.

      While it’s not nice for people to express hate against her, they have every right to do that here. Just like Renato has every right to defend her, and I do applaud him for standing up for her . I do believe, based on reading the recent replies, that Renato has achieved the result of having some people acknowledge and understand that Camille is actually a good person, and that she has made a mistake. His post has galvanized a series of replies such as yours to put this issue in perspective. On the other side though, and what I think the majority of people believe here (based on the comments), is that Camille is a criminal and should be punished accordingly. Continuing to defend her against personal attacks would seem meaningless at this point, as it will just result in never-ending back and forth arguments.

      What I suggest is that if you are a friend of Camille, then the best thing at this point is that you just be there and support her privately, which I’m sure many of her friends are doing at this time. No need to go and publically defend her against the opinion of the majority. She will face the consequences, which includes a negative reputation. It’s not wrong for people to be disgusted at her actions. It’s not wrong for people to form bad opinions of her, because I think it’s deserved if she commits a crime. How will she react to this? It depends on her and the group of people who support her.

      • I think there is merit in speaking out and doing so here is not meaningless. I think all parties are little more enlightened now and some of us, at least, will be more careful with how they express their views. I would like to stress here that to feel hatred for her act is fine. It is okay – and I would even say, right! – to hate what she did and to express that. I will insist, though, that personal attacks, the use of racism and sexism, groundless calls for deportation, and carrying-out hateful acts against her – for instance, continuously harassing her over the phone and through text messages – is unacceptable in my opinion and, and in more serious cases, a threat to one’s rights. I echo Matt’s sentiments in insisting that she continue atone for this and in hoping for the best for Camille. Ultimately, I hope she receives what she deserves and I mean that in the most impartial way.

    • I appreciate what you said, Eric, and you said it very well, but this is not simply an act of bad judgement. This is an act of bad morals. As a Canadian we are taught to do the right thing never give into the sheep mentality. I think that’s what makes Canada a great country. The fact that others were looting should trigger our Canadian characteristics and not only stop us from joining in, but try to stop others from being selfish and destroying the city. That’s the reason why people are so mad about this.

      That’s not to say there aren’t low class people in Vancouver. there are low class people everywhere. I’ve seen terrible things done in Singapore, Zurich and, Tokyo just like this. it’s just a part of the human race.

      I’ve also met some of the nicest, kindest people in the Philippines who are made of better moral fibre than most in the world. Some of them come from very trying circumstances, but that doesn’t stop them from doing the right thing. And because of this, they rich in friends, loyalty and happiness.

      There is simply no way to excuse being a part of an act to destroy the city as bad judgement. It’s much more than that.

      • I am certainly not defending Camille’s actions and I know full and well that any argument cannot be won on the internet and anyone attempting to is an idiot. What I am merely trying to say is that there were a lot of circumstances on that night that led to events that did. In sociology, there is a concept called the social ecological model where all events in life are an intricate result of the interaction between people, the community that we live in, the history that we have experienced and the ideals that society propagates. To simply put the blame solely on Camille’s character and morals is unfair, and perhaps the easier way we can look at situations. To look into how the mob go so bad that it did, this article thoughtfully describes as such:

        I also think that so called “Canadian characteristics” to be kind and unselfish is certainly not understood or considered by the majority of society. It is an image propagated by the government to increase the reputation of our country. To believe that these “instincts” kick in whenever something bad happens is unfair our citizenry. Some people have been brave to stop or try to stop those who were destroying our city, but I cannot attribute that to “Canadian characteristics.” These extreme remarks demanding deportation is totally out of the line and isn’t what I would acknowledge as “Canadian characteristics.”

        There are both sides of this riot and I am glad that Retona has stepped worth to bring things into perspective, and perhaps I have as well. Social media is for discussion, and I am all for it.

  60. I would liket to thank Lorie from the Enspire Foundation, I read her post on here and her follow up in having Camilles name on their website removed. also the same from Burrard Acura. These 2 establishments are worthy of praise.The rioters and thieves have to know collectively we can overcome their premediated actions and forge ahead and make Vancouver once again known internationally as the Best city in the world!


  61. I hailed from the Philippines and I am very appalled by the actions of this young lady. It saddens me that a privileged young lady as herself have chosen this path. I do hope she gets charged accordingly and gets her day in court.

  62. I just saw the funniest thing.. Camille Cacnio posted a message on Alex Pro’s website tell him “Fuck you asshole. Do us all a favor and drop dead.” lol

  63. Renato, since you are a friend of Camilles, could you ask her if she returned the items she “borrowed” to Black and Lee. I would apprecciate the follow up.

  64. I found out a nice little piece of legislation that our BC government enacted. Its called ” “The Sorry Act”. I am being very serious folks , it was enacted in 2006. when an individual apologies and they are sincere we all heal. this act does offer Camille and the other individuals some protection in the eyes of the law, but what it does say is that hey are committed to taking blame and being sincere. I would ask Renato to ask camille to do this and “man up”. Camille could you do this? if you are reading my post. You can still get a lawyer and go through the courts. but it would show the folks on here you are not hiding in a veil of secrecy but want to do the right thing..

  65. Eric, I appreciate what you said, and you said it very well, but this is not simply an act of bad judgement. This is an act of bad morals. As a Canadian we are taught to do the right thing never give into the sheep mentality. I think that’s what makes Canada a great country. The fact that others were looting should trigger our Canadian characteristics and not only stop us from joining in, but try to stop others from being selfish and destroying the city. That’s the reason why people are so mad about this.

    That’s not to say there aren’t low class people in Vancouver. there are low class people everywhere. I’ve seen terrible things done in Singapore, Zurich and, Tokyo just like this. it’s just a part of the human race.

    I’ve also met some of the nicest, kindest people in the Philippines who are made of better moral fibre than most in the world. Some of them come from very trying circumstances, but that doesn’t stop them from doing the right thing. And because of this, they rich in friends, loyalty and happiness.

    There is simply no way to excuse being a part of an act to destroy the city as bad judgement. It’s much more than that.

    • This is not just an act of bad judgment or bad morals. It is an extremely serious criminal offense. Anyone found guilty will face a criminal record an significant prison time.

  66. Camille Cacnio has lost and will continue to lose everything for what she did and rightfully so. I do think it is a little unfair to devote so much effort and time on someone who has received alot of punishment so far. It is great that a rioter was outed but there are so many more that need our attention and need to be exposed, don’t waste time on one when you can get so many more of them.

  67. Deserves what she gets!

  68. Unless I missed something she was likely born here and as much a Canadian as you (I assume), and me.

    Just shows your ignorance.

    Not saying she doesn’t deserve punishment, but the character assassinations and assumptions people make based on her race are repugnant.

  69. First I’d like to say, as I have said already, like everyone I was ashamed to be a Vancouverite watching the news that fateful Wednesday night. The individuals responsible for the carnage and looting that evening all need to be punished.

    When I first found this blog I loved it. Then I read the comments and was equally shocked and offended as i was wathing the riots on tv. The misogynist, racist, homophobic and generally repugnant statements some individuals have been making on this blog are shameful.

    Captain Vancouver has made a few edits, but not enough and not fast enough. I’m sure he’s busy and has a life outside of this blog but seeing as it’s his creatiion he is still ultimately responsible for it’s content.

    You heard it here first folks, speaking from experience I do not think this blog will last nearly as long as he and most of you hope.

    For those of you who are really offended by this website and it’s content, if you haven’t already I suggest you draw it to the attentionn of the company that hosts it. Click the link at the bottom of the forum, and share with them some of the hateful comments posted here. As diligent as the Captain is he can’t (or won’t), edit it all and I’m sure wordpress has a few policies or rules that need to be followed like not allowing inappropriate content, promoting hate, racism etc.

    If people were able to control themselves or if Captain Vancouver was able to moderate more effectively then this would not be an issue, but they and he obviously can’t.

    I am a firm believer in freedom of speech, but not when it promotes hate, slander and character assassination like what is happening here.

    This blog is a misguided attempt at justice, because without an even hand at the wheel the lynch mob zealots are taking it over.

    • I sadly have to agree – this forum is simply turning into misguided hate and racist/sexist remarks.

      I think either Cpt Vancouver has to find more people to help moderate, close the comments, or approve them before being shown.

  70. Agree with the above comment. Would also add that Stalinist Russia would have loved most of you posters.

    Forward your pictures and info to the Crown. Let them deal with it.

    Maybe when this girl is beheaded, you will be satisfied? Sorry to disappoint you all, but she will probably walk with no permanent record. So perhaps since you have no lives you can continue to dog her future employers for the next 40 years.

    • Believe me, she will have a record. She’s not a minor. No need to dog her future employers. She has already messed up her employment career. Her face is all over the internet because of her own actions. Maybe she should volunteer her time at Black and Lee.

  71. Please stop the anger, everyone. We’ve got a good thing going here – a tool with the potential for real positive change. I admire the intent of this site. It simply needs to be edited for appropriate content to maintain its credibility. Captain Vancouver solicit some help in moderating comments. Keep up your mission. Otherwise, people like Camille would simply walk away…smiling.

  72. I copied the clip below from the “Terms of Service” list I
    found at Notice the last line:

    Terms of Service
    The gist:
    We (the folks at Automattic) run a blog and web site hosting service called and would love for you to use it. Our basic service is free, and we offer paid upgrades for advanced features such as domain hosting and extra storage. Our service is designed to give you as much control and ownership over what goes on your site as possible and encourage you to express yourself freely. However, be responsible in what you publish. In particular, make sure that none of the prohibited items listed below appear on your site or get linked to from your site (things like spam, viruses, or hate content).

  73. Shes now using a fake facebook profile.

  74. did anyone email this to UBC?

  75. Folks,

    I’m the one who filmed this video of her leaving Black and Lees (where the still shot was taken from above). But I want to say that I am rather disgusted at the way this whole fiasco surrounding her was handled. Theft is a crime, therefore it should be dealt with by the police. Police matters should be private. So I must ask, why did people promote with so much aggression the ideas that a) the dean of UBC should be informed about this, and b) that her reputation should be tarnished publicly. Let the police do their work, do not call UBC, and do not contact her work (as I have heard has already been done) and most of all do not turn this into a social spectacle. Let the police deal with this and do not propagate further slander on Facebook or Youtube. The link to my original video is here:

    • @B

      “Theft is a crime, therefore it should be dealt with by the police. Police matters should be private” -B

      Buddy, the police asked the public for help in identifying individuals who took part in the riot. This is what has been done, and they will follow up by processing the evidence, etc.

      As for your points about notifying her employer and UBC, people can do whatever the hell they want. These days, jobs are hard to come by. Her position at Acura can now be filled by someone far more deserving and helpful to the community.

      The same goes for UBC. University admittance is competitive, there are people that are more deserving than this piece of shit. Studying at UBC is a privilege that this bitch doesn’t deserve.

  76. the random wishes of an internet mob is not a qualified justice system.

    Capt Van,
    more photoshops, comments out of context, innaccuracies, hateful words, and deaththreats are being bred in these forums. a glaring example, my comments earlier on this page have been misread already by yourself and others. Do I now have to fear retribution because Someone doesn’t know how to read accurately? This he said she said bullshit by unqualified joblos can cause dangerous implications for innocent people. It’s a fire that unfortunately your feeble moderation is not able to douse.

    another example of the factless fingerpointing!/photo.php?fbid=106975182729259&set=o.121837081234162&type=1&theater

    it’s starting to grow out of control… just like a riot

    People, let the police do their job. Evidence should be sent to them. Our justice system gets to decide the punishment not you.

    • RH. This is not a riot., this is a change in the culture. People can not simply sit around like we did in ’94 and hope things will be better next time. They won’t be unless something is done. People have to realize their will be repercussions if they decide to do something like this in the future. It won’t be accepted anymore. That way people will think twice before doing this again.

      Mistakes will be made and amended. And there is always twitter and Facebook to defend yourself. I will do my best to make sure everything done right.

      Like Egypt, there will be mistakes. And like Egypt, this is people power at it’s finest.

  77. ^I completely agree. The girl lost her job because someone called her employer today and stated that she had been seen rioting. People stay out of the affairs of others!!! this is a police matter, there is no need for you to be keyboard heroes.

    • The only way that Vancouver can try to stop this from happening again, is if people know there will be consequences for their actions. If not, history will repeat itself and only we’ll only be able to blame ourselves. Do you not know there was a riot in 1994? The police have already stated they do not have the time or man power to investigate every crime.

      Your post sounds like some scared that you might be “found out”. If you were there, you should be. There’s an awful lot of video still to identify.

    • So if you were employing this woman and she was involved rioting and looting and nobody told you she was a thief would you still be comfortable with people not telling you?
      I don’t imagine Camille would have gone to her boss at the Acura dealership and said “Just to let you know..I was out looting after the Canucks lost the Stanley Cup!”.
      Wake up man.
      This woman made a concious decision to illegally enter a store that had been vandalized and broken into and stole merchandise that she was not entitled to.
      Keeping that in mind..she was filmed exiting the store smiling. Let’s see how much she smiles now.

    • Yes there is a need. If people don’t learn there is consequences for their actions. this will keep happening. Unfortunately we’ve all seen how ineffective our courts are…so using public shaming is like instant justice… I’m suppose to feel sorry for her cause she got fired? HAHAHAHA

    • She got what she deserved, you are just a sympathizer for the criminals who attacked Vancouver. the fact that she lost her job is a wonderful thing for the people of Vancouver and should be celebrated! maybe you should stop crying for the criminals and think about the GOOD people whos lives she helped destroy

  78. She stole…end of story. The guys with her stole too… we hope to get these assholes caught as well. The idea is that every one… and I mean EVERYONE should have to answer to someone!!!!

  79. To all the people whinging about racist comments –
    As the riots show, there are people all over the spectrum from heroic to barbaric, both in behaviour and thought. Some people don’t like other people, often for irrational reasons. Some of them will post here and use words that you wouldn’t, and that you don’t like. Guess what? – it’s not illegal. Unpleasant perhaps, but so is much human nature – if you don’t like it, don’t read it. Get over yourself, nobody cares.

    • So that makes it ok to make racist comments?

      You are a classic example of the idiots who run amok, both during the riot and on this forum.

      As for “nobody cares”, are you reading the same forum as the rest of us?

      Ever hear the phrase “The masses are asses”?

      Well the riots and this forum are a perfect example of that.

      • If you don’t like what you read here or anywhere on the internet, simply close your browser, log off your mom’s computer and go back to watching Dora The Explorer.

      • Anybody making racist comments in an important forum like this is trashy scum and should be called out. This is Canada, and that won’t be accepted.

  80. She got a taste of the lash from cyber Vancouver.

    Let that be a lesson to all thieves & vandals.

  81. Whats with everyone writing novels to defend this thief? Really, report Captain Vancouver and get his blog shut down? The fucking truth doesn’t fear the light so shut the fuck up. Sure is white knight in here.

    • Yeah douchebag..we rioted. You are part of the problem.

      • I think you might have misread SrsBsness’s comment. I think you two are on the same side here.

  82. CPTV, i hope one day sumone finds who you are and finds all the shit uve done and fucks u up for it.

  83. I see myself as a very similar person to Camille except I WASN’T rioting and looting. I was watching the riot, high above in my apartment in disbelief. I’ve volunteered since I could legally volunteer in the community, working with children, elderly and organizing community events for less fortunate. I also tried very hard in school in attempts to get into UBC. Unfortunately, I never got accepted. I now attend BCIT. The one thing I always kept in mind was every time I went around town, I knew I had to represent the organization I worked for because many people recognize me as a role model. There has been instances of other volunteers seen participating in the use of illicit drugs. It was apparently at night, but a parent of one of the youths spotted them and reported them. It’s stuff like this that makes me shake my head. And to top it all off, a few years ago, I was in a car accident where a drunk driver T-boned my car. I was very lucky to live, but now live my life without the use of my legs, as a paraplegic, paralyzed waist down and will forever depend on a wheelchair. I’ve never done anything in my life to deserve this life sentence in my opinion. Maybe it’s the fact that I can’t walk or that I never got into UBC or that now even if I wanted, I couldn’t riot, but it’s people like Camille who make people like me so flippin’ pissed off. It seemed like she was a hard worker who earned herself great status in the community and a position at UBC. If I were her, what more could have she asked for?? The thrill of looting?!? Give me a break a f***ing break! I’d just be happy if I could walk in the sand and feel the grains of sand between my toes again. Or just be able to STAND in a crowd to see what the hell is even happening around me. Being 4 ft sucks, all you see is butts, boobs and bellies, and not to mention the body heat and stench of BO. She is a disgrace to all the hard working and good-hearted youth that are still around today.

  84. Families have been financially ruined by this riot!

    Does any defender of Camille Cacnio even care about those who were personally destroyed? Is Vancouver not allowed to stand up for these victims?

    Did Camille Cacnio think of the owners and employees of Black & Lee while she cheerfully robbed them?

    While hard-working and honest Vancouver shopkeepers and store workers, many of whom are truly not “rich”, suffer in anguish today, Camille robbed them happily and thought it was a real blast. I agree with Captain Vancouver. “Wipe that smile off your face,” indeed.

  85. Anyone defending her needs to stop. She’s an adult and can be tried as one. God forbid people from canada went to phili and trashed where she lived? She should be sent back! She was given the privilege and GIFT to live here! There are so many people who would contribute and die to live in canada who can’t get in! And this is how she re-pays us? I think if she wants to stay here she should have ATLEAST a couple years of community service and have this on her record, until her years put into giving back to our city is done. I don’t think any employer seeing this on a record would be eager to hire her though, and that’s the point. Karmas a bitch.

    • She was born here dufas. Try not to let your emotions get the best of you, the Judge or Prosecutor couldn’t give a damn about what you think, sorry to say.

  86. Good people don’t loot and steal under any circumstances.

    They just don’t.

    • What makes you such an expert on the subject?

      • Because seems to be a man of moral fiber.

        Stealing is wrong. Not stealing is right. Stealing during a riot when you represent the best of your school and being happy about it? VERY WRONG!

        Anyone can be an expert on that!

      • What is stealing?

      • It’s called common sense. Something that many people are lacking and should be called out for.

      • “It’s called common sense. Something that many people are lacking and should be called out for.”

        OK, so if a policeman takes marihuana from someone, that is stealing, right?
        Or does “common sense” take a vacation when there’s an Act of Parliament?
        I “know what you mean,” but I don’t think you do—common reason = common law, and at common law tons of things that the Nationalist Socialist boosters here support are considered ROBBERY, EXTORTION, &c &c.


    I think they should add a “steal” to her stats

  88. Remember: The Black & Lee store is closed today for repairs. The employes don’t get paid.

    • They dont have to work either.

      • “They dont have to work either”

        What the hell is that supposed to mean, and what does that have to do with anything?

      • It means they get a day to enjoy fresh air and no corporate drudgery!
        They should be thankful!

      • Seriously?

      • Seriously.
        Working for corporations is L7.

      • Keep up the shaming, Capt Vancouver!! Love your posts and the non-violent commentary…

        RegisServi – you’re still a bore

        Vancouver Riots – Vancouver in Denial… meet RegisServi… you are soulmates… I can tell.

  89. TO: Vancouver Riots – Vancouver In Denial
    Then she should be sent to a fucking island in the middle of no where with all the other disgusting people who were involved.
    And fyi if I wasn’t trying to tell the prosecutors what to do. I’m simply suggesting my opinion. And I love how you assume as if I know her and I know she was born here I couldn’t give a rats ass where she was from. Her manners and actions are as if she was raised by baboons. Ahaha

    • Actually, all of the rioters are doing what humans do when they gather together in large numbers—the issue is how much theater a group of humans uses to justify its mob violence. Canada, for example, loots marihuana growers every day of the year, but that’s not considered an “unlawful assembly” or “riot” because of the persuasive hypnotic theater of Parliament, which convinces the rabble that it is OK to steal from certain classes of people, not from others.

      Me, I dunno, NON FURTUM FACIES, THOU SHALT NOT STEAL, seems pretty obvious that such includes marihuana plants within its ambit, but to the Proletariat Dictatorship, such distinction is untenable, as their whole racket is predicated of extorting taxes, to pay wages to people who steal from others, often in service of Proletariat University Educated Doctors/Pharmacists/Architects/Lawyers.

      Of course, I forgive the Proletariat Dictatorship, for it knows not what it does.

      “Her manners and actions are as if she was raised by baboons”

      Dehumanization of criminals/”evil types” is the hallmark of totalitarian societies. Why can you not accept that she is part of the same species as you, simply did things contrary to what you would do? As has been voiced by many posters, the riot was not a good thing, but the shameful behavior displayed here by many of the posters is not a good thing either—and, in a way, at least the rioters had the cojones to do what they did in the face of the people, not hiding behind keyboards.

      Let’s say you were in a University class discussing the morality of rioting. Would you simply call rioters “baboons” and leave it at that, or would you have a more sophisticated argument? And if you wouldn’t, especially if you’re University educated yourself, I say Houston: we have a problem.

  90. Well I’m not being marked by a university for what my debate is. If I was in a university giving my side of the debate, but I honestly would say she was raised by baboons in just a more sophisticated way. My comment is not meant to be racist if you know what I mean. Its no different than if I was say eating cereal with my hands, anyone would laugh and say were you raised by baboons? Its a metaphor. My defense is simple. Anyone who is stealing from their city or destroying it and is caught should just be willing to give back, and make things right. It was ironic that the ppl who weren’t involved in the riot were their the next day cleaning up not the ppl who were responsible.

    • “Anyone who is stealing from their city or destroying it and is caught should just be willing to give back,”

      I agree, but should people give back more than they have taken?
      If people wounded others, wound them.
      If people imprisoned others, imprison them.
      If people damaged property, make them pay pecuniary satisfaction.
      But should people have to pay _more_ than they took?
      Further, once the debt is paid, should they still be treated as pariahs, etc?
      It seems that a lot of the posters here are gleefully cackling about these people “never working”, being reduced to prostitution &c &c. Quite frankly, I find such even more objectionable than property damage, which can be replaced. Life cannot.

      “Well I’m not being marked by a university for what my debate is.”

      Ah, one of those. You see, some people regard University as learning the proper way to think in general, not simply the way to obtain enough credits to get a Token that gets you a job. I won’t say your way is wrong, but your way is _not_ what has built the high quality (that is now declining, largely, I think, to the video-game credits 4 tokens 2 play higher levels view you have) civilization that the West enjoys.

      “Its no different than if I was say eating cereal with my hands, anyone would laugh and say were you raised by baboons?”

      Lots of people eat with their hands; I don’t see why you think it’s monkey-like except due to a sort of cultural bias. I’ve eaten cereal with my hands. How else am I supposed to pick out the marshmallows in Lucky Charms??

  91. K buddy your missing the point, I’m not saying 2 wrongs make a right. And if I saw you eating cereal with your hands I’d say pick out the charms with a spoon and call you a baboon lol feel better? I don’t understand why your arguing, when it comes down to it, I think?? We both agree that she should just be sincerely sorry for her actions, and go above and beyond to show it was out of character and she is a good person. I don’t think this particular crime defines her, but it will make ppl think a bit differently about her? All I’m saying is I hope she’s gone to the store given the stuff back, turned her self in to them. And offered to help clean up or make it up to them. I’m sure anyone would agree that’s the right thing.

    • “We both agree that she should just be sincerely sorry for her actions, and go above and beyond to show it was out of character and she is a good person”

      Well, I don’t know if she should be sorry; that’s something she should decide for herself, and I am not her, nor am I her Judge. I would forgive her, I think, without any restitution, etc. And I don’t really believe in “good persons.”

      “And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? [there is] none good but one, [that is], God.” Mark 10:18

  92. Just pause for a moment…

    If this is how people react in this city (or country, remember the Montreal riots?) after losing a hockey game, imagine what it will be like when they have something real to be upset about like widespread unemployment (Greece anyone), famine, natural disaster or health epidemic.

    There’s a sobering thought. Will happen in our lifetime too.

  93. Oh I totally agree, canada has health care! We should be counting our blessing!

  94. “Why can you not accept that she is part of the same species as you, simply did things contrary to what you would do?”

    Oh, that is just so much specious, pseudo-intellectual moral-equivalence craptrap.

    Look, friend, she has been caught in the act of harming actual people financially, and, while doing so, smiling about it and completely divorcing her mind and her conscience from the future consequences of her act.

    This real and consequential act cannot be glibly absolved by a facile, holier-than-thou, self-righteous, snobbish parlour game such as you are engaging in.

    Here’s the deal, RegisServi, she participated in damaging people’s present and future ability to feed and house themselves. She did so cheerfully, heedless of the cost not only to other people, but also to a peaceful and open community that she presumably lives in.

    Finally, public shaming is not merely simplistically a “hallmark of totalitarian societies.” Public shaming exists in all societies, every single society since the beginning of time. And it will always exist, because 1) all socities have their taboos, and 2) because public shaming is such a powerful and effective corrective for the kind of antisocial malfeasance as was committed by this young woman and others on that disastrous evening the other day.

    • “Oh, that is just so much specious, pseudo-intellectual moral-equivalence craptrap.”

      Sorry, I have a bit of contempt for people who dismiss things as “pseudo-intellectual.” It is one of my faults 😦

      “Look, friend, she has been caught in the act of harming actual people financially, and, while doing so, smiling about it and completely divorcing her mind and her conscience from the future consequences of her act. ”

      Well, someone was, but to properly assign guilt is the office of judge, not the office of the mob. And it is painful to many “socialist” types to say this, but she did nothing against the moral law. She contravened merely the positive law of Society. Such law is _not_ binding in conscience. What one is bound to do in conscience is, if convicted, pay the penalty, whether it be imprisonment, fine &c &c

      But if you’re a friend of the world, you’re not my friend, for he who is a friend of the world is an enemy of God.

      “public shaming is such a powerful and effective corrective for the kind of antisocial malfeasance as was committed by this young woman and others on that disastrous evening the other day.”

      Why do you think that is the case? I see very little evidence it is effective, though I see a lot of very agitated sounding people wishing all manner of horror upon this young woman for what, if convicted, would justly result in at most a pecuniary fine. Now, we don’t have a justice system that simply gives an eye for an eye, so she might get more, might get less. But the desire to see her reduced to prostitution? The desire to see her expelled from school? If this is what you mean by “powerful and effective corrective,” I cannot agree. It is not effective to destroy people without any opportunity for forgiveness. Destroy her life, next riot, why should she care? Because she’ll have ___ taken away? These people want everything taken away from her as it is, so what would be left to take away next time the VPD fails to maintain order?

      Manufacturing losers is _always_ a double-edged sword.

      • RegisServi, I find your defenses pretty flimsy and disorganized. I’m afraid that you also appear much too self-righteously defensive of the heedless malefactors and too carelessly critical of the victims and of their advocates.

        The main thing to respond to in your defense is your unbelievable denial of the verity that public shaming works.

        Of course it works. People who are made to feel public shame truly have the heaviest of all imaginable disincentives not to repeat the act. Such a disincentive is most definitely in any society’s best interest.

        Finally, you can wish away, or dream away, or parse away in your arguments, the vengeful impulses of people who feel humiliated or victimized — but like it or not, these are some of the most natural self-defensive impulses human beings have.

        Of course it is best for any sane person not to run afoul of social rules that inflame these impulses, such as breaking or thieving valuable property, destroying someone’s livelihood, or trashing someone’s hometown. Public consequences will always be severe, until the end of time and in all societies, and for good reason, for anyone participating in such acts.

      • “Of course it works. People who are made to feel public shame truly have the heaviest of all imaginable disincentives not to repeat the act. Such a disincentive is most definitely in any society’s best interest.”

        No proof, just baffle.
        It’s true! Trust me!
        As for “society’s best interest”, why don’t you grow a pair and stop using kiddie toys to argue? No such thing as society—union, partnership = incorporeal, like angels and demons.

        “Public consequences will always be severe, until the end of time and in all societies, and for good reason, for anyone participating in such acts.”

        The mob brays for blood, and you think that is good. Unbelievable.
        “Crucify him! Crucify him! We have no king but Caesar!”

    • Ed:

      You seem like a pretty bright guy. I’ll give you that. But, here, you come off pretty arrogant and superfluous. I think it’s poor taste for obviously thoughtful people – like yourself – to go and carry-out some intellectual head-hunting on the internet, without really knowing your opponent. I’m not saying it’s illegal; it’s just – well, it’s pretty sad. You could easily be battling it out with a bunch of freelancing teens who want to get their toes wet by speaking their minds a little, and not know it, you know? Or, perhaps more accurately, quarrelling with adults who just aren’t as intelligent as you are. That’s cool, no harm done. Maybe that gets you going in the morning?

      While I can accept that public humiliation has its merits, I think you overstate its effectiveness in turning criminals, and in general, its value to every society, ever. First of all, public humiliation doesn’t quite get to every criminal, petty or serious, and thus isn’t as effective as you think it is. There are SO MANY people who have been publicly humiliated before to some extent, shook it off, and returned to lives of crime within days. This isn’t that hard to believe, is it? Furthermore, “studies have empirically supported the finding that what may deter persistence in criminal behaviour is not shaming but reintegration… Public shaming engenders the maladaptive emotion of shame rather than the adaptive emotion of guilt” (Fields 35). I trust my country’s justice system to deal out appropriate punishments to fit the crime committed, to correct those who can be corrected and reinstated into society, and to keep those who can’t be corrected (e.g. serial killers) locked up for life. Public humiliation has its place in our society but must also be controlled. We have laws against defamation in Canada.There are nut jobs around here that probably take public humiliation way too far. As a law student, I would caution our citizen crusaders to mind what they say when contacting people’s employers.

      Here’s another thought, Ed. It’s important to note as well that public humiliation can also drive some criminals to commit suicide. Public humiliation has done this before. Maybe you’ll argue that this is in rare cases only, or maybe stoop as low as to say, “Well, good for them; they’re criminals.” My personal response would be: if you’re willing to turn a blind eye to even just a few suicides, then maybe I don’t want to be part of your vision of society.

      Fields, Charles B. “Controversial Issues in Corrections.” Allyn and Bacon: Boston, 1999.

      • Ed, I welcome your reply respectfully. Thanks for reading.

      • Respectfully, here’s my reply. I stand by my comments, every word.

        Every society has its taboos. When the taboos are violated, there just may well be hell to pay. This is potentially tragic for the Vancouver rioters and looters, but they drew this card by their intentional acts, I’m afraid.

        Is this “fair”? In one very specific sense, probably not, especially to people who surmise misguidedly that only the legal system can dispense justice in society. Sometimes, people rightly realize that the legal system is failing them badly. In such a climate, looting and rioting can reap the whirlwind for a wrongdoer in an age where everyone has a camera in their hands. So here’s the thing. You must not put yourself in a position to inflame people’s outrage. You can ruin your life. A tough, tough lesson perhaps. But an essential lesson. Parlour philosophizing cannot change this real-world lesson.

        You see, “fairness” is no longer likely when the outrage of the community is inflamed. This is a sad but true fact in every society that has ever existed, or ever will exist. You simply cannot go into any society on earth and violate its taboos. Sooner or later, someone who does that will necessarily suffer the harshest of lessons.

        Despite the “unfairness” this is how society sometimes punishes its wrongdoers. People and especially children have to learn this, and learn it well. Study history, study anthropology. Get over your fantasies of fairness — don’t harm or humiliate your neighbors, because a terrible, even permanent example just might be made of you. This is the dark side of any society perhaps. But trust me when i say with every fiber of my being that this is an extremely effective preventive measure. This is an unsentimental opinion. But search your heart, you know this is the way it actually works out there.

        I comprehend your thoughtful comments, Andrew. But I disagree with them, most strenuously. (I also disagree with your amateur psychological assumptions about me.) Look, all of us would do well to understand the undeniable reality of the very human vengefulness that lies deep within society, a vengefulness that is positively ferocious when disturbed by criminal insults, and teach our children how not to disrespect it, lest it may destroy them like a flyswatter destroys a fly. We must teach our children also the rough lesson that quite often, life is simply not even close to “fair.”

        Sorry, rioters and looters, but this is a bitter object lesson about the truly, truly real world, and very unfortunately you are & will be on the wrong side of it no matter how much some of our hearts may go out to you.

      • Hi Ed,

        Thanks for your reply. Here’s a quick one for me. You’re a good writer.. I hope you don’t take that the wrong way, especially in an opinionated, very insecure, very anonymous arena like this. Take it for what it is.

        The first 3 or 4 paragraphs of your response, believe it or not, I mostly agree with. I personally believe in societal taboos, in the danger of trespassing upon them, in the effectiveness of public shaming to a degree, and I’ll even give you this: that the legal system may be failing some. I’m not sure what you’re doing with the concept of fairness here; you seem to be blowing it up? First you dismiss fairness as a primordial concept, a “fantasy”. Then you tell us not to “harm or humiliate your neighbours, because a terrible, even permanent example just might be made of you.” I think this type of justice is fair within a community as long as the degree to which the “terrible… example” is made doesn’t trespass into unlawfulness, in a very legal sense. For instance, If, in your abandoning of fairness, impinge on our country’s laws of defamation, you will be liable to face legal consequences and, in the eyes of the law, that is fair. This is the control on public humiliation that I touched on earlier. I take it you’ve had significant time to study your history and anthropology. That’s good. And you may reference as many societies as you like. You can go as far back into history as you wish and tell me that societies of the past have used the same measures to humiliate their criminals. This society has done a lot of things for a long time. Surely, that doesn’t make it right. And, as far as I can tell, my assertion – that public humiliation doesn’t affect all criminals in the way you hoped it would – remains unchallenged. I’m saying, realistically, it can’t be *that* effective in curbing crime or reintegrating criminals worthy of it.

        Ed, you’re telling us to look inside our hearts and find a society that’s vengeful and ferocious. You’re telling us that other societies and societies of the past have done the same thing, and that we should teach our children should live in fear of this. While I personally disagree and find those statements troublesome and generally unfit as guiding principles for our society, it’s a topic that will require intense research – not just peering into our hearts –research, unfortunately, that I don’t have the time to do. It will suffice to say that I won’t be telling my children that they should not loot out of fear of an animalistic, flyswatter society. I’ll tell them that looting is wrong, hurtful, detrimental to our society, and most importantly illegal.

        You’re pessimistic, I get it. You probably don’t believe in correctional measures for our criminals. You believe in swift and overcompensating justice. Granted, these are all assumptions. However, I think if you could recognize the legitimacy – empirical and theoretical – of alternate views, then I’d say you’re an alright guy.

        Anyway, off to work with me!

        PS. It’s enough to plainly disagree with something. Please don’t strain yourself!


      • Ed reminds of Lots-O’-Huggin’ Bear from Toy Story 3.

  95. To all those supporting the criminals – please remember that leading up to game 7, there was plenty of talk about the past re: the ’94 riot. This should have been a reminder and wake up call to ALL to act civilize, win or lose, after game 7. We were all given the chance to show the world that this would not happen again. The ones being shamed on this site, as well as others, CHOSE to destroy the city, CHOSE to loot the stores, and the most terrible thing, CHOSE to inflict PAIN on fellow Vancouverites trying to save our beautiful city. So now WE, the people of Vancouver, CHOOSE to STAND UP AND SHAME these people who disrespected the city. They embarrassed Vancouver and in turn, they deserved to be embarrassed. How many of you remember any rioters from 1994? Indeed, they were let off too easy. I am sure the people of Vancouver will not soon forget the likes of Nathan, Jason, Camille and that douchebag Dustin for a very, very, very long time…and that’s the way it should be.

    • “I am sure the people of Vancouver will not soon forget the likes of Nathan, Jason, Camille and that douchebag Dustin for a very, very, very long time…and that’s the way it should be.”

      Within a month of the news-cycle this is a part of ending, I guarantee nobody will care all that much. Now, who knows how long the dead horse will be flogged by the media, but let’s not kid ourselves: the media are what create the consciousness of all the people braying for blood.

  96. This woman is an archetype of the hypocrisy that often makes vancouver a lousy place to live.

    When it’s for show, she’s as charitable as they come, plastering her name on as many causes as she can, to pad her resume.

    But when faced with the chance to steal and thinking there won’t be any consequences, her true nature shines through.

    That’s the problem with this city, too many people are nice “for show” and scumbags on the inside. Time to see some true colors.

  97. These ppl thrived off of taking pictures proud of their actions at the time being part of the riot. Little did they realize the same social media brought them down. Muahaha

    • I can see why you are happy, it gives jealous haters like you the chance to kick them while they are down. People like you have much in common with the actual rioters.

      • You’re a Fool.

      • Yep, they rage at seeing their own violent, primal nature reflected in others.
        Parliamentary Democracy is nothing but mob rule backed by violence–difference between parliament and the rioters is that the rioters did it for fun, without malice aforethought, and Parliamentary Democracy does it with malice aforethought for the purpose of extorting tax money and other dainties to support these violent primates who think themselves oh so much better than everyone else.

      • Why do you keep talking about political crap no one cares about. All I want is the head of CAMILLE CACNIO.

  98. I didn’t sell her on TV telling us she is sorry, I bet she is at home listing her stolen loot on ebay.

  99. Lmfao ahahahahahahahahah. It makes me feel fantastic knowing that she was caught in the act. This wasn’t a 12 year old girl stealing lip gloss. She’s a grown adult broke into a store. Idiot. No body cares about your comments so go take your ass else where. 🙂 I’m sure lots of ppl agree with me.

    • Thanks for the confirmation.
      Well obviously, you care enough about my comments to reply (with childish name calling no less). As for myself, I dont care what you or your mob thinks, I am not going anywhere. And why should I? We are not in Stalinist Russia.

  100. I know her and she was always a very nice person. Rioters are idiots however, and if you want to be a successful looter you should wrap your face and not be a silly goat with an exposed grin on the internet. Vandalism is pretty fun in general, but doing it because of a hockey game is lame. Enjoy it on your own time and below the age of 18 so you don’t get punished criminally.

  101. […] Camille Cacnio Please Wipe That Smile Off Your Face UBC student Camille Cacnio can be seen in this Youtube video at the 1:30-1:33 mark.  She is an example of a privileged […] […]

  102. I don’t care about your comments.. But if you reply I’m gunna reply back. Its disgusting that your defending her. And if I’m correct you called me a “dufous” in a previous comment. So don’t be preaching at me buddddddddddd. K I’m out got better things to do than argue with her “defenders” lawl. Have a good one everybody 😀

    • People have a right to be defended. People have a right to their opinions. We are not living in Syria.

    • “Its disgusting that your defending her. ”

      You realize that having pleaders defend everyone is a part of the English legal system, right? There is nobody who does not deserve defense—nobody.
      If you think there are such people, you are an enemy of the Rule of Law, far moreso than any of the Rioters who confined themselves to damaging property and androids who tried to intervene to protect property.

      You, however, wish to strike out at actual living, breathing human beings.

  103. Kk thank you for naming everywhere in the world. We are living in canada, where its not right to steal. But if you want to defend her your in titled to your opinion. But isn’t going to change the fact she looted lol? Anyways later!

  104. Defend her all you want. Unfortunately, her employer couldn’t defend her actions. She was fired after the police came a calling.

  105. Over the past few days, Enspire Foundation has received messages making reference to a past volunteer participating in the Vancouver, BC riot that occurred on June 15, 2011.

    This is a personal matter for the individual referenced and we will respect this. Further, Enspire Foundation cannot take any responsibility for the actions taken on the personal time of people who may be associated with the organization in some manner, at some time, past or present.

    Enspire does not condone criminal acts or acts of violence conducted by anyone, including past or current volunteers. With the vision to empower, educate and encourage people to help themselves and others, Enspire sees criminal activity as a direct contradiction to what the organization represents and who we are.

    For the past 12 years, we have worked very hard to build a value-driven, non-profit organization providing opportunities for Canadians to help those less fortunate abroad – the Philippines. During this time Enspire has organized programs and events, only possible because of over 200 dedicated volunteers. Enspire provides volunteers with a safe, respectful environment and we emphasize and expect each to live by an ethical code of conduct.

    Our ultimate goal is to continue with our Shared Experience Program: Bulacan Community Project – building homes to move 130 families from the shanty town of Navotas City to the clean community of Bulacan, Philippines. We are committed to ensure Enspire – its management and volunteer teams – operate in an ethical and respectful manner.

    Lorie Corcuera, President
    Enspire Foundation

    • We appreciate the willingness to make public statements on this matter. I have not seen one person who has made any sort of suggestion that your organization does anything but good. The name of your organization was only brought up to make sure that you were made aware so that you could respond swiftly. Keep up the good work!

    • It’s not a personal matter, it’s a public matter.

      A personal matter would be cheating on your husband. A public matter is something that effects the public, such as a riot and damage to our collective reputation.

      It is completely fair and ethical to comment on her actions and to respond appropriately.

    • Quick question off topic: Why go all the way to the Philippines to help people? We have many homeless and needy in our city.

      • It’s not up to you to make value judgements about who is more deserving of assistance.

        The Enspire foundation does a lot of hard work and spends countless hours, not only volunteering in the Downtown Eastside, but also giving people a chance to be involved in the Philippines. It’s a great experience and it’s up to that individual to learn and grow from that experience.

        People who rioted should be held accountable but it’s not up to us to seek out personal vindication by harassing everyone in their personal networks.


    “I fully admit to my mistake now, but the way I saw it at the time was that everyone was vandalizing, everyone was burning things. … At the time, I thought, ‘This would be funny if I took a souvenir’ because this is completely out of character,” Ms. Cacnio said.

    …..“The whole social media thing … it’s great that people are trying to help catch and identify people, but it has become a problem in that people are actually ruining people’s lives. The consequences are far greater than they need to be,” Ms. Cacnio said.

    cacnio interview

  107. Just saw the article. Seeing her lose her job, lose her friends, and have her reputation ruined is like sweet, beautiful music to my ears. Yes, I will laugh at her misery, because I’m allowed to and she brought it on herself. If she didn’t want any of this, she could have done the right thing. Instead, she chose not to. You make your bed, you sleep in it.

    • You should thank her for giving you the “satisfaction” you think you deserve. Nothing like getting happiness from another person’s misfortune. Feel sorry for people like you.

      • Nah, I feel sorry for someone who is well educated, comes from a good life, and lives in a great country, has accomplished much, but still feels the need to steal and then smile about it. (and is also dumb enough to not realize everybody owns a camera phone). Well, not really.

    • Oh, and the irony is beautiful.

      “Nothing like getting happiness from another person’s misfortune.”

      Yeah, Ms. Cacnio could have used your morality speech when she chose to get happiness by taking from someone’s business.

      • “Nah, I feel sorry for someone who is well educated,”

        Gonna have to stop you there, she can’t be that well educated if she thinks stealing is appropriate.

  108. you deserve everything you get and more.have fun trying to get a job now.

    i have no sympathy for you AT ALL.
    your a adult and you should know what is right and wrong….especially when there are hundreds of phones and cameras flashing around you got into UBC is beyond me.

    have a nice life.if thats what you can call it now

  109. I find it ironic that Camille says “At the time, I thought, ‘This would be funny if I took a souvenir’ because this is completely out of character.’”

    No Camile, what you do when you think no one is looking is absolutely in character.

    Like someone said before, she’s the worst kind of hypocrite: honorable and caring on the outside, but rotten on the inside.

  110. Where will these rioters be on Canada Day coming up. I hope I don’t hear that any of them are singing the Canadian anthem, especially the part that says “We stand on guard for thee”. Too bad they cannot be banned from being involved in any celebrations involving our home and native land. I wonder where they will be on July 1st?

  111. Unnecessary comment. Cpt Van is trying to avoid a witch hunt so don’t condone one even it you’re figuratively speaking. She deserves to be shamed, charged with her crimes, and punished. Let’s leave it at that. She’s definitely not smiling anymore in the Globe and Mail article.

    • So she is already guilty? Why not not wait for the Court to make a determination before you declare she deserves to be punished?

      • Because I have eyes of my own, and a brain that is capable of decisions and independent thought without relying solely on the courts telling me what is right and wrong.

      • “So she is already guilty?”

        “Yes, this is me in the picture above.
        Yes, this is me in the 1:30-1:33 mark of this youtube video.”

    • She admitted to her guilt. What more do you need?

  112. Ok. So someone who rapes a person is entitled to a lawyer to defend them. Does it make it right? Someone defending a rapist…. Who was guilty of the crime. And its sad that some ppl get away with it because they manipulate the system….Seriously go educate your self. Our system is corrupt. But whatever go ahead and embrace it 🙂

  113. Not that I’m comparing her to a rapist that was just my rebuttal to a comment made to me. Fact is what she did was wrong, she did it publicly, and she’s going down publicly. Everyone wants to see these people brought to justice. And I’m going to be very upset if we don’t have fire works this year because of these rotten apples! 😦

  114. Llike mny of the writers and contributors in here I felt overwhelming action on my part to vent my feelings. I made a few post over the last days and asked Camille and Lorie from Enspire to do the right thing. I feel now they have. We should back off from the Enspire Foundation they accomplish wonderful things in the Phillipines and have been very proactive in denouncing Camille and her actions. Camille has admiited her actions and has paid the price with the loss of friends, job and whatever the future holds for her. I am sure her parents have givn her some very placed words. She feels embarrased and ashamed. Let not continue this type of embarassment for her. Her future is in chaos now and will forever because of the internet. I know for certain if she was in the 94 riots and was identified then, nobody in this year 2011 would know about it. but in Camilles case in about in 16 years there will be some evidence of the Wednesday night riot.

    She will have to answer to her future bosses and possibly her children. She will charged as an adult, possibly a criminal record, have to pay back monies to Black and Lee and also may face a civil lawsuit from them. the criminal record will prevent her from possible job openings.

    She has learned from her actions.I agree with alot of the people on here that there is a very strong possibilty she may have never come forward if there wasnt strong eveidence of her guilt. Eiither way she has – so thats a good thing.

    She will and should become an ambassador to show children and teenagers in schools throughout BC what her her actions caused. the damage to the city, the store and more importantly her reputation, that to me is the greatest lession for Camille. As of now nobody gives a care in the world she volunteered for the Enspire Foundation

    I would like to thank Capt. Vancouver for this website and all the writers in here. this site caused Camiile to take action admit guilt and try to move forward. Folks we are on the way to healing, thats a good thing, so keep positive and keep the pressure on the rioters and get them to come forward and admit their guilt and take their punishments.

    i said on Friday and am more convinced now she has made serious and sincere steps, lets let the courts do the rest.

    Just one more item, just curious if she returned the items she stole to the store?.


  115. Camille Cacnio has apparently been fired from her position as a receptionist at Burrard Acura. I’m delighted.

    I’m sure this means another case for the public defender’s office when the cops come to arrest her. Maybe she can impress the judge and wear her new tuxedo to court. I can hear it now..’Your honor, my client has no previous criminal record. She’s a fine, law abiding douche bag whose job at Burrard Auto just didn’t pay her enough to afford a real Canucks souvenir, so she allowed herself to be swept up…blah, blah,blah’

    Conditional discharge, no fine, no record – like it never happened.

    • The Court is not all emotional and short-sighted like you. The base their decisions on what is best for society. Permanently marking someone who had a minor brush with the law is a benefit only to those seeking vegeance. Even the tux shop would probably agree.

      • I agree it’s a minor brush compared to what big man Dustin did she still deserves some shame and I’m sure Black and Lee would agree on that as well.

  116. Hiring receptionist at Burrard Acura : must be responsible, hardworking, able to multi-task and no history of looting.

  117. Hi everybody,

    My name is Camille Cacnio.
    I apologize for my actions and take full responsibility for them.
    I have reported to the VPD and am currently waiting to see what my punishment is.

    Please accept my apology, and if you can, let me move on with my life. Along with all the others who have been identified. They will receive their just punishments through the judicial system.

    I have written a blog in response to this:

    I am also featured in the Globe & Mail:

    Thank you,


  118. Official Public Apology

    • I see a lot of “buts.” Excuses. EXCUSES. EXCUSES. The entire “apology” is writing about how she does not deserve what she’s getting. It’s actually offends me to even read this apology.

      “Why I do not deserve this treatment: Because for one, I’ve admitted to my mistakes, two, I am ready to deal with the consequences in a judicial manner, and three, because (may I remind you that) I am responsible for theft – a fairly minor action compared to vandalism and arson. Please remember and understand that I am not responsible for the riot.”

      1. You can’t NOT admit to your mistake when your image is splashed over the internet. It would be in your best interest to apology. It doesn’t make you a better person to do so.

      2. It’s not theft. Theft is shoplifting stealing a pack of gum in broad daylight. This is public drunkenness, unlawful entry, and looting.

      She even quotes professors to support what was apparently going through her mind. “Not true,” shes says regarding people who deny mob mentality, “I felt it myself and that’s what caused this to happen. (paraphrased)”

      “As many of you already know, I am majoring in Conservation Biology at UBC. I strongly belirve in ecological conservation and sustainability. That night, I saw a few people that were trying to knock trees down. So what did I do? I yelled at them, saying “Pleaaseee, not the treees!!!!” And what did they do? They stopped. And I felt like a hero.”

      So she stops acts of vandalism for which she has an invested interest in. Isn’t she working in sales? What if a car dealership got broken into and cars were stolen? Would she yell at them to stop?

      She even has requests for the general public. And “to those who know me and have turned their backs on me, please delete me from Facebook and disassociate yourself from me as much as possible because I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

      No further comment.

      • her last paragraph, written above,………pissed me off greatly.WOW!

        .I hate this biatch even more now…

        ur appology was like a school pointed your finger and then tried to make youself look better by yelling at people to save a bunch of it….i dont buy it and so do a lot of other people.

    • So for all those people out there who think “kids are just kids” or “people make mistakes”, what do you think of that “apology”? It seems like shes giving everyone who criticized her the finger rather than apologizing for her actions. I hope her parents read what she wrote and give her a huge beating.

      And to clarify, I do not condemn people that harass her family or her employers or friends. If anything we should feel sorry for those individuals because they had the misfortune of being associated with that looting unapologetic piece of garbage.

      • Well said. I’ve never seen an apology with so many “but”s and “not”s and “just”s. This as worse than Tim’s apology which was probably hastily doctored up on a mobile device.

    • Wow, what a hypocrite.

  119. Lmao well the only friends she will have left are those trees!!

  120. She had come out and said she is sorry. She was drunk and caught up in the moment and wanted a souvenir of the riot. That was her apology. She also says the public shaming is mote than her crime justifies. She lost her job. Too bad, so sad. Given the chance she loots. It us her real character. She wanted to project a different persona but her real character has been caught on video. She is a looter. A criminal. The justice system won’t punish her but the Internet has.
    Camille you are a disgrace and everyone knows it!

    • i agree! i’m so embarrassed to know she’s a filipino! so much for wanting to make the world a better place, huh?
      she says that life is hard back home. really? she probably hasn’t experienced it that’s why she took for granted the fact that she is able to live in canada.

  121. Below is what I wrote on her blog, but it is *awaiting moderation*. I highly doubt she will allow it to be published. And just so it is clear, I am NOT okay with Nathan Kotylak, it is just that his statement showed at the very least, a bit more class. ( even if he was coached by his lawyer )

    “I did not vandalize any buildings.
    I did not set fire on anything.
    I did not break any glass.
    I did not instigate the riot.
    I did not physically harm anybody.
    I did not jump on any cop cars.
    I did not even plan on being in the riot.”

    It does not matter that you didn’t commit those crimes. By partaking of the crime you did commit, entering a store that had been broken into and stealing, you DID instigate any other person there with the same faulty morals as yourself. You are absolutely no different than the people who vandalized, set fires, broke windows, instigated, brutalized, destroyed police vehicles and others. You stole…it does not matter how small the theft was…you are a thief, and will be ( hopefully ) charged and convicted as one.

    And as you seem to like linking to sites that you think will make you seem more blameless, here’s one you should read; and directly below that are also examples.

    As well you sully the meaning of a hero when you say “And I felt like a hero.” A hero is “a person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life”. Such as the Police and Firefighters that were there that night. NOT a common thief such as yourself.

    Lastly, please do not put yourself in the same category as Nathan Kotylak. At 17 years old, he fully accepted all responsibility for his actions and not once, anywhere in his statement, did he make excuses for them, as you as an adult have done numerous times in your apology.

    Marianne Ginsburg

    • So yours is awaiting moderation too? It seems our letters will never see the light of day. Glad you posted yours. I will too so our words will be seen somewhere:

      “You lost me at “my story”. There is absolutely no excuse for a sentient person doing what you did. You had many choices and you chose to stay and steal. You appear to be healthy as you managed to run out of that store. You could have walked away. My husband and I were at the game. We left quickly going out of our way to avoid the problem areas as we would have had to go through them to get home. Are we special? No, but it would seem that way according to all the excuses that are being made.

      Pointing the finger at other people’s bad behavior is unnecessary. Blaming the “mob” is unnecessary.

      I’m glad for the shaming sites. This may be the only way for people to be held accountable. I wonder if you weren’t “shamed” publicly whether you would have owned up to it and returned your stolen items.

      As a taxpaying resident of the area that you and your “mob” destroyed and a citizen of the city you and your “mob” embarrassed worldwide, I do not accept your apology. I don’t want to hear your excuses. I don’t want you pointing fingers at anyone else’s behavior.

      You should have stopped at “my story”. You might have had my apology accepted. “

      • She deleted her many excuses for her moronic behavior. I hope she realizes that thousands of people took screen shots of her original pity party! Nice letter to her Kim. 🙂

  122. Camille, some honest advice: rewrite that statement, fast. As it is now, it will not be received well. Way, way too much self-justifying, excuse-making and rationalizing. The apology part is overwhelmed by all that. It’s a massive “YES, BUT…” which will leave a bad taste in people’s mouths and is likely to be counterproductive. Simply apologize to those people and leave the rest for another time, which will surely come for you. My 2 cents

  123. I have edited down Camilles blog to how it should read;

    “Yes, this is me in the picture above.
    Yes, this is me in the 1:30-1:33 mark of this youtube video.

    I apologize to the City of Vancouver for participating in this riot.
    I apologize to the residents of Vancouver for having to deal with the consequences of the event.
    I apologize to my friends and family that have been affected by my actions.
    I apologize to the Canucks for reacting in a way that is unsportsmanlike.

    I apologize to Black & Lee, its employees, and all the customers who have been affected by my actions.

    I apologize to Burrard Acura, my managers, my coworkers and its customers. In no way, shape or form does Burrard Acura condone this type of violence or misconduct. It is not necessary to associate my actions with the good reputation of Burrard Acura.

    I apologize to Enspire Foundation, its’ volunteers, sponsors and supporters. Enspire Foundation is a reputable non-profit organization that does not condone violence or misconduct behaviour in any way, shape or form. To additionally make things clear, I have not been active with Enspire for quite some time now, so there is no need to associate my actions with the integrity of Enspire Foundation.

    I apologize to UBC Athletics and Recreation and to the UBC Rowing Team, the coaches, the athletes, my coworkers and manager, its other employees, its participants and its clients. In no way, shape or form does UBC Athletics or the UBC Rowing team condone violence or misconduct, and should thus not be associated with my actions. To additionally clarify, I have not been a part of the UBC Rowing Team at all during the last term.

    Lastly, I apologize to the Faculty of Science. The faculty of science in no way, shape or form condones violence or misconduct. My actions should not be reflective of the good research and work that they have performed.”

    That is all it needs to say. The rest of it, her whining about the consequences and trying to blame some made up “mob mentality” doesn’t need to be in the apology and in fact makes the apology feel cheap and more like a way of flipping off the city.

    • Agreed – rationalizing her decisions only cheapens the value of her apology. Remove it, and perhaps more will be supportive of Camille as she goes through the justice system.

  124. I don’t see an apology. I see a rationalization. Disappointing.

  125. She should be kicked out of UBC. Only intelligent people should be allowed to attend that school. Judging by her actions and that smile on her face as shes being taped looting, I can say quite definitively she doesn’t deserve too attend UBC.

    I work 50 hours a week in two kitchens so I can afford too attend business @ langara.
    I am in my 20’s, live in downtown a few blocks away from robson and granvile, somehow I managed not to get caught up in the mob mentality!

    The fact that she tries too quote an article about mob mentality makes me sick!
    If she’s not smart enough too think for herself, she shouldn’t be EVER allowed to attend a prestigious university like UBC.

    Many businesses and people like myself struggle every day too stay afloat, while privileged people like camile have everything given too them, and then some how think it’s ok too trash a person’s business because they were part of a mob!? WTF? My heart goes out too everyone effected by stupid people like camile who don’t get how hard it is to survive.

    She probably grew up in a rich family, lives with her parents, whom also probably bought her a very expensive car.

    Unless she had a gun to her head to enter the store, she’s got no excuse!

    Sorry I got no sympathy for this girl, the only thing she’s sad about is the fact she was caught on tape and then ridiculed for it!

    I hope people make life hell for this over privileged bitty!

  126. Astonishingly poor apology. Almost certainly, she will never “get it.”

  127. Wow, that has to be the worst “apology” I’ve ever read! This paragraph had me cracking up:

    “That night, I saw a few people that were trying to knock trees down. So what did I do? I yelled at them, saying “Pleaaseee, not the treees!!!!” And what did they do? They stopped. And I felt like a hero.”

    Hahahaha….thanks for yelling, you are a big hero!!!

  128. Wow, Camille’s half baked apology is filled with denial and an over developed sense of self worth. Citing mob behavior is pretty laughable for someone who deems herself to be so high minded and compassionate. Amazing how so many other people managed to control themselves and not destroy property or loot. Not to mention those who had not only the morales but the courage to try and stop others from doing so. Her hubris is sickening. Is it any wonder she behaved the way she did.

  129. I find it ironic that Camille says “At the time, I thought, ‘This would be funny if I took a souvenir’ because this is completely out of character.’”

    Well, there you have it, don’t you? Seems the youth of the Internet generation don’t have a fucking clue. Sad.

  130. I’m curious, at what point is enough enough. She has lost her job; been publicly shamed, her standing at school; her family has been harrassed and humiliated in front of thousands of people and she will have to endure this for years. While I do not condone her actions, how badly punished do people have to be for stealing a pair of pants? Clearly others did much worse and have not been singled out as she has been. At what point will people start to leave her alone and let her try to rebuild her life? Why aren’t you going after the fellow who stabbed people or the people who mobbed and beat people as to me, they are far worse.

    • Lawrence I think things will cool down for her when other criminals are called out. Right now, she’s one of only a few. When there’s 10’s and hundred’s more, a lot of pressure will be off her.

      The reason why the police can’t go after the stabbers and real criminals is because so many “normal” citizens joined the hoodlums to destroy the city. They made the city and its citizens totally unprotected and indefensible . This is why this needs to be done. By making people realize there are consequences to their uncivil actions, “normal” people will have to think long and hard before they join in again. Really hard. That’s the point. When it’s only the criminals, then the police can really go after them. Don’t you want that? If nothing is done like 1994, then for sure it will happen again.

      I feel sorry for her. But this was not a simple act of shoplifting. She purposefully went into a store with the intention to loot in the middle of a riot that destroyed the city. I can’t defend her.

      • I don’t feel sorry for her, she was a part of it and I hope the law comes down hard. If you want to feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for those business owners and their employees who have lost their livelihoods.

  131. If you people have nothing better to do with your lives than publicly shame people for looting, you’re idiots. The same excuse you use against her for protecting trees as something she has an invested interest in, can be used against you in that you wouldn’t give a fuck if it happened in any city other than Vancouver. Clearly, you believe the fact you live in the Lower Mainland somehow gives you judiciary rights to ruin people’s reputations over stealing a coat? Are you one of co-founders of the company she stole from? If you are, I’m sure the 0.0000000000001 % loss of annual revenue will harshly affect your company’s progress. God knows Coach Accessories will have to cut those poor sweatshop overtime hours again. This person isn’t a recidivist offender, they stole once. The only benefit that comes from shaming people arrives from your pathetic assumption that you gain moral high ground, which in the minds of anyone with an ounce of intellect immediately denies you. This modern-day equivalent to tar and feathering is seriously just as disgusting as the crimes the people committed did. You want to make a difference in this world? Volunteer in Africa. Canvass for cancer or programs against bullying. Don’t waste your time admonishing shoplifters as being immoral, because your retarded self-interest is too conspicuous for it to be anything else. Study and work as a prosecuting attorney if you’d like to legally have the responsibility in assigning guilt and punishment, rather than acting as one of the moral police officers everybody despises talking to.

    • Ridding society of scum should be seen as something worthy of taking time out of your day to do. It’s a noble cause. And how would you know if people would or wouldn’t give a fuck if this had happened somewhere besides Vancouver? I’m not even Canadian, I’m from the US and I’m appalled by this whole situation. You speak of the cost of what she stole, yet you’re forgetting looting is much worse than simple stealing. In many instances, police are allowed to shoot looters on sight. Their actions encourage more and more to join in until it becomes an epidemic.
      Comparing police requested vigilantism to rioters is also beyond idiotic. Vigilantism is focused at cleaning up the streets of people who would get away with their crimes otherwise. I’ll take a proactive society who wont stand for bullshit like riots/looting over one who sits back and takes it in the ass like youre suggesting.
      And why does everyone always bring up Africa when they think you should be doing something else. Social change starts in grass-roots movements in YOUR town. People who have grown so sick of scumbags and who want to make their home a better place. What better difference can you make?
      And by the way. I know for a fact i’m morally superior to any of the people out there rioting. It’s not some sort of moral gray area. Rioters/looters are douchebags, ’nuff said.

      • Kevin, I couldn’t have said it better myself. You are hereby nominated as an honourary Vancouverite. Come on up and I’ll buy you a (good) beer.

  132. Wow. First she robs people then she scolds people. OK then.

  133. “My Theory & Thoughts on the situation” – that’s actually part of this dumb womans “apology”. Nobody gives a flying fuck about your theory and thoughts, you are a criminal; a theif, a looter and a rioter. Go fuck yourself.

  134. I get it! Her apology is a clever attempt to convince everyone that she is a particularly immature 20 year old.

    But seriously, as Lawrence says, at what point is enough enough? The police are going after the violent offenders first. They are the ones who deserve the extra scorn. I’m quite sure Camille’s outlaw days are over.

    Is there a list somewhere of actual charges against specific rioters? I’m curious if someone like Camille is also charge with something like “breaking and entering” in addition to theft.

  135. That sophomoric so-called apology is worse for her than if she had said nothing. Truly. That was a mistake for her to publish such a self-serving statement. Her statement needed to be 100% about the victims and people hurt by her, and should not have been about calling herself a hero for saving a tree, or brow-beating the rest of us with her self-excusing “theories”.

  136. Her so called apology is awful, she is actually lashing out and justifying her actions. Loser committing the crime, bigger loser for laying any blame. I hope she pays for this crime for a long time — I’d love to see financial restitution to all those business owners from all these low life’s.

  137. Dear Camille,

    Thank you for including the word ‘apology’ in your letter. Because without it, I would have thought that it was just letter of deflection and a thinly veiled insult.

  138. …and if you were not caught you would not be apologizing. I find it sickening that our Universities have fallen so low to allow people like yourself into them. I was 21 years old during the 94 riot and guess what? I didn’t get involved in the riot because I didn’t get caught up in the “fun” that you did. I didn’t see any “fun” in looting and damaging property. It wasn’t hard to not get caught up in mob mentality. Any logical and thinking person can avoid it. I know our pathetic justice system will not do a thing to you, but I know one small way I can help, i’ll advise all family and friends to avoid Burrard Acura if they keep you as an employee, since they obviously lack good judgement. You simply are making matters worse by trying to justify your actions by claiming you were a victim of mob mentality. Thus, avoiding any accountability because as you say it was not your fault, it was mob mentalities fault. Did you not see all the people who didn’t become part of a mob mentality. You are a weak and pathetic person and unworthy of this great province and country.

  139. Worst. Apology. Ever.

  140. At first I was thrilled to come across a website like this, ppl who contributed to the riot deserves to be punished. I was dt on Wednesday as well – but I left at 3-0, the crowd in front of CBC was already getting really unfriendly, ppl shoving each other and cussing a lot – plus I knew something was about to go wrong when you see a random car in a sea of ppl (by the screen…by the way who in the right mind would park their car there? *it was the first one to be burned down)

    But now after a couple of days of reflection, I have to say – for the ppl who have posted their apologies, we should at least give them a second chance. Even people who serve in prison (for any other type of crime) get a second chance after they come out of jail, unless you personally know this person you wouldn’t really what crime they have committed. Here, for Camille it is different…she may be forever known for this and ppl who have been on the site will know her face. Even if she graduates and gets a normal job, people who research up her name will talk behind her back…yet in a similar case others with criminal records working normal jobs will not be examined in such a way. What she did was wrong and having an open apology letter with parts of it defending yourself also doesn’t win you sympathy…but having the courage to apology and knowing that you will change for the better is important. Thus I think Captain Vancouver should remove this post about her.

    I have to say – it is true, people cussing on this comment board and making really mean statements are no better than rioters. You all are using the internet as protection, typing in front of the computer making rude comments you probably will never say to someone’s face in real life. I am one of them…but I think the comment board serves as a dialogue for people to understand the situation, reflect and learn from things in the past. Ask yourself, if you were SOMEHOW…in a similar situation, you will not want to be attacked like this. I know many of you may say “oh no, I would never do that etc.” but we all make mistakes, some people make bigger mistake than others – hers compared to burning cars and trashing windows is a smaller mistake. NOT SAYING she should not be punished, but she shouldn’t be held to the same level with all the more serious cases and does not deserve to have her family/co-workers/friends harassed by the general public because of things she has done.

    The people who clearly doesn’t deserve a second chance are those who aren’t ashamed of what they have done and want to change. Camille has shown remorse. And please…stop using racist or such harsh language. We are all civil, if you want to make a point, no need to use the word f***, b*tch etc. She was a good citizen up until this point, we can’t deny all the hard work and volunteer she has done in the past…I hate to assume but for those who comment, have you all made major contributions to organizations by volunteering ? If you haven’t, please don’t just blindly trash someone who still has the potential to change and contribute to make this world a better place.

    I’m not really sure if I clearly got my point across…once again, I’m saying yes she should be punished (and has already been punished) but should also be given a second chance…and for that to be possible we should stop all the hate comments and take down this post.

    • If someone needs to apologize, they should apologize and leave it at that, not continue to be indignant. In Camille’s apology, she makes the mistake of compromising the sincerity of her statements with ” I apologize, BUT….”. It shadows the remorse she wants readers to believe is sincere. Trying to be the offender and the offended at the same time.

      I disagree that this post should be taken down by Captain Vancouver; this post should serve as a memory to Camille’s poor choices, and as a lesson to younger people who may consider similar looting actions in the future.

      I doubt she will be charged with anything.

    • When Camille posts an actual apology and not an attempt at justifying her criminal actions, I’ll consider accepting it.

  141. A UBC student photographed leaving Black & Lee Tuxedos with a piece of clothing in her hands has been called out online by one UBC donor, who is threatening to pull his annual donation if she isn’t expelled.

    Read more:

  142. She is a joke, she claims she was going to apologies but she blamed everyone else. She doesn’t get it, and never will. Camille Cacnio is clearly a lunatic and should be admitted to a institution for the criminally insane.

    So now millionaire UBC donators are threatening to end donations to the school if rioters are not expelled from school. So now she is stealing millions from UBC!

  143. she edited her apology, anyone have the original?

  144. Here is an article w/ portions of the original

  145. FTR I am no fan of this site, don’t believe in EITHER mob rule or mob justice, and feel Camille was unfairly singled out for petty theft, but her original apology displayed a very narcissistic mental disorder- but she saved the trees! Gawd dang riot hippies! lmao

  146. Dear Vancouver, I am sorry.
    by camillecacnio on June 19, 2011

    Dear City of Vancouver and all its residents,

    Yes, this is me in the picture above.
    Yes, this is me in the 1:30-1:33 mark of this youtube video.

    I am not proud of my actions and have made a visit to the Vancouver Police Department, over the weekend to turn myself in. This blog will serve as a public apology to those that I have offended with my actions, to clarify certain issues, and to address a few peripheral issues that I take as a concern.

    My Apologies

    I apologize to the City of Vancouver for participating in this riot.
    I apologize to the residents of Vancouver for having to deal with the consequences of the event.
    I apologize to my friends and family that have been affected by my actions.
    I apologize to the Canucks for reacting in a way that is unsportsmanlike.

    I apologize to Black & Lee, its employees, and all the customers who have been affected by my actions.

    I apologize to Burrard Acura, my managers, my coworkers and its customers. In no way, shape or form does Burrard Acura condone this type of violence or misconduct. It is not necessary to associate my actions with the good reputation of Burrard Acura.

    I apologize to Enspire Foundation, its’ volunteers, sponsors and supporters. Enspire Foundation is a reputable non-profit organization that does not condone violence or misconduct behaviour in any way, shape or form. To additionally make things clear, I have not been active with Enspire for quite some time now, so there is no need to associate my actions with the integrity of Enspire Foundation.

    I apologize to UBC Athletics and Recreation and to the UBC Rowing Team, the coaches, the athletes, my coworkers and manager, its other employees, its participants and its clients. In no way, shape or form does UBC Athletics or the UBC Rowing team condone violence or misconduct, and should thus not be associated with my actions. To additionally clarify, I have not been a part of the UBC Rowing Team at all during the last term.

    Lastly, I apologize to the Faculty of Science. The faculty of science in no way, shape or form condones violence or misconduct. My actions should not be reflective of the good research and work that they have performed.

    My Story

    I know a lot of you don’t believe me, but the truth is that I take full responsibility for my actions and am sincerely apologetic for what I did. What I did was completely out of character for me, but I did it because I was influenced by mob mentality. I want to shed light onto the thought process that was in my head so that maybe you can all get a little bit of an understanding and sympathize for people like me, who made wrong decisions but have now become victims of this social media form of mob mentality.

    Why don’t I think I deserve all this treatment?

    Because for one, I’ve admitted to my mistakes, two, I am ready to deal with the consequences in a judicial manner, and three, because (may I remind you that) I am responsible for theft – a fairly minor action compared to vandalism and arson. Please remember and understand that I am not responsible for the riot.

    I did not vandalize any buildings.
    I did not set fire on anything.
    I did not break any glass.
    I did not instigate the riot.
    I did not physically harm anybody.
    I did not jump on any cop cars.
    I did not even plan on being in the riot.

    On any regular day I would not condone looting.

    However, at the time of the riot everything just seemed so right.

    At the time, being a part of the riot was simply to fulfill the adrenaline rush I was looking and hoping for – an adrenaline rush that I previously got from post-winning games: hugging randoms, dancing on the streets, honking car horns non-stop, and high-fiving just about everybody. In the same way that everybody enjoyed collectively showing pride in our team, it was enjoyable to express my disappointment in a collective manor.

    I had no intentions of defiling the city. I love Vancouver as much as you do – I’ve lived here since I was 7 months old. But in my immature, intoxicated perspective all I saw was that the riot was happening, and would continue happening with or without me, so I might as well get my adrenaline fix.

    And what was going on my head about the stealing?

    As bad as it sounds, the stealing was purely fun for me. I had no intentions with the product. I just wanted to get a souvenir at the time. I took two sized 42 mens dress pants. I’m a woman’s size 6-8. I don’t have any brothers, cousins, boyfriends, fathers, grandfathers or anything else of the like that are size 42 in mens. I did not plan on selling them either.

    *FYI: The pants will be returned, but are not yet returned because the cops want to schedule an appropriate time and date to do so.

    I’m a UBC student, and an adult. Shouldn’t I know the difference between wrong and right?

    Well yes, I should…but in certain circumstances our perspectives get seriously skewed. It was extremely hard to see the consequences in taking a couple pants, when around me people were lighting up cars, smashing windows and inflicting physical pain on one another. My train of thought at this point was that “the place is already broken into, most of the contents of the store have already been stolen, so what difference does it make if I take a couple things?” Not convinced? Maybe Christopher Schneider, assistant professor of sociology at UBC, can convince you. In his recent quote in the Vancouver Sun he states:

    “When the riot started unfolding …you have a lot of law-abiding citizens hanging around downtown who otherwise would’ve got out of Dodge…When you have a mob or riot-like activity, individual accountability tends to go out the window. People see other people setting fires and they think, ‘I’m going to set a fire too, and I won’t get caught.’ These types of people typically wouldn’t set a fire on their own.”

    But still, a lot of you don’t find credibility in the theory of mob mentality

    I’ve heard people discredit the theory of mob mentality in the case of the 2011 Vancouver Riot. People say that it is clearly possible not to be influenced by others, because for one, majority of people left downtown right away and didn’t participate. And further, that many people who stayed didn’t do anything but watch/take pictures/film. Therefore anybody who tries to reason out by citing the theory of mob mentality is just finding a scape goat. Not true. I would know. John Tauer, physiology professor of the University of St. Thomas would probably also know. In a Minnesota newspaper he states that “many factors…create a mob mentality — though emotion and alcohol do top the list.”

    And that’s really what it was for me. I was immature, intoxicated, full of adrenaline, disappointed in the loss, filled with young rage, and have a “go-out-and-do-it” kind of personality. It had nothing to do with anarchy because I am definitely not an anarchist. I am a law-abiding citizen that has had a clean slate criminal record before this night. I had no intentions on harming the law, the city, any businesses or any people. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing and I just got caught up in the chaos.

    As soon as I left the riot I knew that what I did was wrong.

    As soon as I left the riot I knew that what I did was wrong. My levels of alcohol and adrenaline in my blood had seriously died down, and I was no longer surrounded by the mob. It’s a little funny to me that that was so, because this is exactly what Schneider was explaining earlier: that people lose their individual accountability when in a mob.

    If I knew that I was wrong, then why didn’t I do something about it sooner?

    I knew that I was going to return the pants and tell the cops that I made a mistake, but why did I wait 2.5 days instead of .5-1 day? Well, that would be out of pure nervousness…nervous to tell my parents and my sister. I was raised in a good family and I was more nervous to tell them than the cops. I had to be okay with admitting it to them before I could go out to the cops.

    The infamous smile

    And still, a lot of people will never find remorse for me because I had a huge smile on my face. But like I said earlier, it was fun at the time. I thought it was pretty funny because this is the only time that I would ever do something like this. The smile on my face was an “I’m such a badass I can’t believe I’m doing this!” kind of look.

    If you still don’t believe I’m a good person, here’s a little side story for you:

    As many of you already know, I am majoring in Conservation Biology at UBC. I strongly belirve in ecological conservation and sustainability. That night, I saw a few people that were trying to knock trees down. So what did I do? I yelled at them, saying “Pleaaseee, not the treees!!!!” And what did they do? They stopped. And I felt like a hero.

    The “21st Century Witch Hunt?”

    In social media sites such as facebook and twitter, we have seen the following actions regarding the riot:

    mass amounts of people acting in ways that they would not normally act
    people thinking its okay to harm others because everybody else is doing it as well
    ensuring that peoples’ lives are destroyed, by making sure everybody collectively e-mails, phones and spams their families, their jobs, their schools, and all others that they are associated with (do it for your country! no wrath! vengeance is ours! the lives of others are miniscule the actions that they have mistakenly done!)
    trying to ruin the reputation of all organizations that they are associated with
    threatening associations to ruin their reputation if they do not disassociate themselves with that person
    exaggerating what that person did in order to make their actions seem completely unforgivable
    Does this sound a little bit familiar? I don’t know about you, but to me this sounds like people are trying to retaliate by yet another form of mobbing – the thing about this form of mob mentality that astounds me is that this time they’re doing it sober. As Beer writes in a recent blog that I ran into, “Let’s hope the guilty are found and punished, but also try to make sure the online search for them doesn’t devolve into a 21st century witch hunt.”

    Furthermore, the VPD does not support the negative behaviour that has been so prevalent online. In fact, many of you should even be careful of what you say online, because everything that you say online is basically written in stone. And anything that you say can and will likely be used against you in court. If not in the judicial court, then in this new-aged social media court that everybody seems so happy and willing to partake in.

    The judicial court is designed to give accused individuals the punishment that they deserve based on the actions that they have made, and protect them from punishments that they do not deserve. It is made up of people that have received years of education and training. This new social-media court that we see is made up of people who likely know very little about rightful punishments. They make decisions based on emotions and try to incriminate individuals in harsh ways that are extremely unnecessary. We need to leave the decision making to the experts, who can separate themselves from emotional decisions provide just punishments.

    The VPD defined harassment for me the other day: that it is multiple attempts of unwanted communication. They further advised me to file harassment on anybody who did not leave me alone.

    A Peripheral Aside: Notes on Feminism & Racism

    There are a few things that I have seen on social media sites that have come across to me as a major concern. First off, a little bit about racism:

    Since I am a Canadian citizen, I am aware of my rights. Let me show you a little insert from the Canadian Charter of Rights:

    Equality Rights

    15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

    (2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

    Racism is not accepted in my country, so to the following people, and all others of the like, if you are going to make racist remarks, then maybe you should leave our country.

    @Mo Hill, I’m glad you own a colour TV. I suggest also owning a time machine. That way you can go back to the 1960′s, when colour TVs first started selling in large numbers…and when racist remarks like yours were much more appreciated. Also, Mr. I’m-so-Canadian, learn how to spell colour right. In Canada we spell colour with a ‘u‘. It’s because we are part of the British Commonwealth. Were you aware of that? If not, try reading up on it on Wikipedia. (PS, that is what people in the kom-pyu-ter-world call a hy-per-link – sound it out, it’s not too hard!) You can click on it and it will direct you to the Wikipedia page I was talking about. You can also find other important information on there, such as, articles on stupidity, imbeciles and mental retardation. Hope that helps, xox!!!).

    Here’s another thing that bothers me: why is everybody so surprised that a female partook in the riot? What is with this attitude that females are incapable of doing what men can do? Maybe it takes an event like this to show you misogynists that woman are fully capable of anything you can do. And if my actions lead to that revelation in your obscure little heads, then maybe it’s a good thing that I partook in this event.

    My Theory & Thoughts on the situation

    What do I think of this whole situation?
    I think it has been completely blown out of control.
    I think that people are all over my case for several reasons:

    1) I’ve lived here all my life so I am bound to have made a few enemies along the way.
    It seems abnormal how passionate some people are at trying to ruin my life. Well you know what? I think it’s sad how much you all want to ruin my life and how I have become the centre of your worlds.

    2) I’m a UBC student that works two jobs, volunteers and am athletic.
    Well guess what folks? People who work hard make mistakes too. And to the guy who called me a “disrespectful spoiled little bitch,” you are completely wrong. I was raised by hardworking parents and was taught to work hard for myself. I work hard to pay for my own rent, my own groceries, my own bills, and my hobbies. I have additionally also been fully responsible for financing my own education. I have been working since I was 14 years old – as soon as I was legally able to do so. I have been responsible for obtaining my volunteer opportunities and my work opportunities. So please people, find it in your humane hearts to let the cops deal with the rest of this.

    3) I have been dehumanized.
    Nobody has sympathy for a picture. I have been painted out as a criminal, and not the person that I really am. Everybody associates me with all the bad things that have happened in the riot. I do not agree at all with how far the riot went. If you must know, I wasn’t even at the riot when it was at its peak. And to the girl that messaged my sister on Facebook, I sincerely apologize that your boyfriend got stabbed, but I had nothing to do with that. I wish him the best and I hope he gets better. But please separate me, and especially my family from these horrible things that have been done. Remember, the only thing that I did was take a couple things from a store. It’s fairly minor compared to the rest of the acts that were done.

    4) People don’t know how else to vent their anger
    I honestly think that the reason why people are so strongly targeting people like me is because people are upset. They are drunk off of emotions, and want to do everything they can to fix their city. I completely understand that and like I said, am not proud of myself! Collaborating to clean up the city? Excellent way to remediate the mess. IDing people? Very helpful for the VPD – saves time and money for the cops and in the end for our city. Harassing people, ruining their lives, and finding unlawful punishments? Not at all helpful. It gives the cops more things to deal with, and is in a way a form of anarchy. The laws were made for everybody to follow: criminals and spectators alike. So for you to disregard the laws makes it seem like you are an anarchist…starting a mob…based on social media…starting to get the picture yet?

    Anyways, long story short, venting your anger on people does not make the situation better, so feel free to ID people and help in ways that you can, but don’t ruin our lives!

    My Requests:

    In the Canadian society that we all know and love, we are taught to be righteous individuals, to stand up for our rights, and to be loyal to society. Well great, props to everybody for being loyal to society by IDing people. They (we) will get what they (we) deserve. But you guys are completely forgetting that we have rights as well. It is completely unrighteous to be spending your entire day(s) contacting us, re-posting our pictures, and having everybody collaborate to ruin our lives. Not even the VPD spend that much time on us, so please simmer down a tad bit.

    Not only that, but Canada prides itself in being a peaceful country. We Canadians are loved around the world because we know how to handle ourselves and we avoid war as much as possible. The actions that I have seen on social media sites are embarrassing to our country and our reputation. These actions do not reflect the kindness that us Canadians are all known and loved for.

    So please, give me, my family, my friends, my school, my employers, and everybody else or everything that I am or was associated with a break. It’s called mistakes. I learned from my mistake, I am not proud of my mistake, and I will make sure not to be influenced by people as easily as I was. I will make sure to make proper judgements on all my decisions in life. I am prepared to do community work, pay fines, and if worst comes to worst, even a criminal record. The same goes for Nathan Kotylak, Sienna St. Laurent, Jason Li and all the others who deserve a break.

    As angry as this blog is (a natural response after seeing people repeatedly trying to – successfully – ruin your life), I am again very sorry for my actions. I have reported to the VPD, will return the pants when they want me to, and am currently waiting to see what I will be punished with.

    I want to save this last paragraph to my friends and family who have supported me through this difficult time. Without your help I may have lost my mind already. To those who know me and have turned their backs on me, please delete me from Facebook and disassociate yourself from me as much as possible because I don’t want to have anything to do with you.

    Thank you ever so kindly for your time.


    Camille Cacnio
    AKA: “Looter”, “Flip”, “Anarchist”, “Criminal”, “disrespectful spoiled little bitch”, “skank”, “lowlife”, “disgrace”, “POS”, “troglodyte”, “scum of the earth”, and much much more.

    • OMG! That is too damn funny. She is absolutely not sorry for what she did. Is there anyone else that she can pass blame off on????

      • Love how she fits a spelling lesson in the middle of her apology. And apparently some wikipedia advice as well. I wish I could click the “hy-per-link” with her name on it and see a glorious webpage devoted to her. But not to give anyone any ideas….

  147. I think her new apology is the result of having some time to think and reflect about what she had previously wrote, and perhaps receiving some constructive advice.

    Personally, I think it reads like an actual apology now. It’s also the most mature and responsible one I’ve read – she doesn’t have an expensive legal team behind her calculating PR moves.

    If taking those clothes was all she did that night, it should get better for her from here based on the strength of that apology.

    • It’s mature after her parents edited her old one for her.

    • Darlin, I’m sorry, but her original apology was exactly how she feels. She only changed it to a “real” apology b/c of PR purposes. I’m sure her site was absolutely hammered, and I’m sure that the original “apology” will be used as evidence in her case. If I was the prosecutor, I would certainly use it…

    • “I think her new apology is the result of having some time to think and reflect about what she had previously wrote, and perhaps receiving some constructive advice.”

      Shouldn’t she have thought about and reflected upon it before posting? Just leave it at the apologies – there’s no need for trying to justify your actions as a result of the mob mentality…

  148. “On any regular day I would not condone looting.

    However, at the time of the riot everything just seemed so right.”

    This gal has absolutely NO SENSE of right or wrong. She then proceeds to lecture everyone on racism. I thought only people in the states pulled that idiocy. What a nutter.

    • This sentence can only read that “on a regular day, I would not condone looting, [but during a riot day my actions were totally justifiable and I am not deserving of this hatred against me]”

      Otherwise it should just read “I do not condone looting, but I did it out of stupidity and I was wrong and I regret my actions.”

  149. Her first apology mimics the mistake she made when she looted during the riots – she let emotions take over and lashed out in her apology like she let her emotions take over and lead her to loot.

    That’s twice now, Camille.

  150. I think it’s important to know that Camille has deleted most of the offensive portions of her “apology” blog. I took screen shots of the entire original, thinking she might do so. I have forwarded the screen shots to the VPD as lack of remorse and lack of feeling one has done anything wrong are both factors in sentencing, assuming she is charged and convicted.

    • Not a bad idea at all.
      I actually feel very sorry for water polo boy, and while he committed a much larger offense, I do feel that his apology was sincere and that he and his family will pay the price for the rest of their lives. The poor family had to leave their home b/c of death threats and harassment. I hope the harassers are held accountable as well…

      This gal, on the other hand, she made the mountain out of the mole hill. I don’t condone whatsoever what Captain Van did by singling her out for petty theft in a sea of thugs, but in Camille’s case, I think we might be seeing a total psycho with no sense of right and wrong and no remorse for her actions-Remorse for getting caught and publicly shamed-yes.

      Coming from a state where Public Shaming is often used by our judges as a form of punishment, you Canadians might want to think realllllllll realllllllll hard on whether or not y’all wanna go there. It DOES encourage vigilante mob justice. I promise. I’ve seen it happen first hand.

    • She can rot.

  151. Funny, I thought she was going to apologize but most of her post was this:

    “My Requests:

    In the Canadian society that we all know and love, we are taught to be righteous individuals, to stand up for our rights, and to be loyal to society. Well great, props to everybody for being loyal to society by IDing people. They (we) will get what they (we) deserve. But you guys are completely forgetting that we have rights as well. It is completely unrighteous to be spending your entire day(s) contacting us, re-posting our pictures, and having everybody collaborate to ruin our lives. Not even the VPD spend that much time on us, so please simmer down a tad bit.

    Not only that, but Canada prides itself in being a peaceful country. We Canadians are loved around the world because we know how to handle ourselves and we avoid war as much as possible. The actions that I have seen on social media sites are embarrassing to our country and our reputation. These actions do not reflect the kindness that us Canadians are all known and loved for.

    So please, give me, my family, my friends, my school, my employers, and everybody else or everything that I am or was associated with a break. It’s called mistakes. I learned from my mistake, I am not proud of my mistake, and I will make sure not to be influenced by people as easily as I was. I will make sure to make proper judgements on all my decisions in life. I am prepared to do community work, pay fines, and if worst comes to worst, even a criminal record. The same goes for Nathan Kotylak, Sienna St. Laurent, Jason Li and all the others who deserve a break.

    As angry as this blog is (a natural response after seeing people repeatedly trying to – successfully – ruin your life), I am again very sorry for my actions. I have reported to the VPD, will return the pants when they want me to, and am currently waiting to see what I will be punished with.

    I want to save this last paragraph to my friends and family who have supported me through this difficult time. Without your help I may have lost my mind already. To those who know me and have turned their backs on me, please delete me from Facebook and disassociate yourself from me as much as possible because I don’t want to have anything to do with you.

    Thank you ever so kindly for your time.


    Camille Cacnio
    AKA: “Looter”, “Flip”, “Anarchist”, “Criminal”, “disrespectful spoiled little bitch”, “skank”, “lowlife”, “disgrace”, “POS”, “troglodyte”, “scum of the earth”, and much much more.”

    Dear Camille – You are truly, completely, and irredeemably clueless. A perfect representative of the pampered, spoiled results of a true “Liberal” upbringing. Guess what sweet cheeks? Actions speak louder than words.

    • “Dear Camille – You are truly, completely, and irredeemably clueless. A perfect representative of the pampered, spoiled results of a true “Liberal” upbringing. Guess what sweet cheeks? Actions speak louder than words.”

      YUP. Couldn’t have said it better myself. “Save the trees but screw everyone/everything else, you’re all racist, unrighteous, women haters!”

    • I don’t want your apology.

      I want to read about your jail term in the Vancouver Sun.

      Good luck with the job hunt sister.

  152. I must disagree with you about water polo boy – I believe it’s obvious that his legal team wrote the apology he read, and have been involved in spin / PR work throughout lower mainland newspapers both in print and online on Nathan’s behalf. There is now more then three seperate fires that he was caught on cam starting or participating in.

    If it is true that his family had to leave because of threats, that’s truly a shame.

    • yes it’s true, and absolutely no surprise to me.
      Rioting teen Nathan Kotylak and family face backlash, forced to leave home
      He’s lost everything, even his home, his father had to shut down his medical practice. This is what public shaming can do- the people that Nathan’s father treats will suffer…

      • That gives him time to raise his son properly.

      • That is sure one way to look at it, but it certainly doesn’t negate the fact that public shaming can and does have unintended consequences. His father’s patients will suffer and become victims as well, as will his friends, his family, his school, his team, his neighborhood, etc etc. I’m tellin’ y’all –don’t overlook and underestimate the unintended consequences of public shaming. It WILL come back to bite y’all in the ass… This is just a friendly warning to my friendly neighbors.

      • I’ve read this article you’ve linked to on the other posting about Kotylak, and I believe that article is misleading. It’s just an opinion of course; I’m not sure the writer of that story is credible. I’m not sure he’s lost everything either, yet it does seem that he is in trouble with his scholarship and reputation, which I believe to be fitting punishments and deserved, among other things.

        However, I agree that mob mentality is fundamentally wrong. Of course, arson, willful distruction of public property and rioting is as well. I hope the discussions can begin to focus on that again.

      • You’re absolutely right that they will become victims Texastwister, they will be yet more victims of Nathan Kotylak and his irresponsible actions.

      • fair enough riot2, Our media sucks to0: Here is another source:

        The family of Nathan Kotylak, who turned himself in to police Saturday after he was caught in photos apparently trying to set fire to a Vancouver police cruiser during the Stanley Cup riot, has fled their home after receiving threats.

        Bart Findlay, a lawyer who is representing Nathan, said the young man’s father, a Maple Ridge, B.C., surgeon, also had to temporarily close his medical office.

        “The mob mentality that took place at the riots is now happening on social media. The family is very disturbed…. they have concerns for their safety,” Mr. Findlay said.The family of Nathan Kotylak, who turned himself in to police Saturday after he was caught in photos apparently trying to set fire to a Vancouver police cruiser during the Stanley Cup riot, has fled their home after receiving threats.

        Bart Findlay, a lawyer who is representing Nathan, said the young man’s father, a Maple Ridge, B.C., surgeon, also had to temporarily close his medical office.

        “The mob mentality that took place at the riots is now happening on social media. The family is very disturbed…. they have concerns for their safety,” Mr. Findlay said.
        If anyone decides to carry out their threats, the person/s responsible for publishing their names and addresses can be held responsible here in the states. I am oblivious to Canadian law, might be different there, but I wouldn’t think so. Either way, these people now live in fear, and their lives have been turned upside down. Nathan’s father has been forced out of his work in saving lives. Judging by Captain Van’s new post, he’s starting to feel the blowback already. Once again, these are the unintended consequences of public shaming that shouldn’t be underestimated or overlooked, b/c they are very real. Even though I don’t know Captain Van, or his intentions by starting this blog, I don’t doubt it was for a noble cause, but if the noble cause leads to violence and vigilante mob “justice”, the cause ceases to be “noble”.

      • Hi Texas – just so you know, the writer of the two articles you link two is the same person, which is why I do not believe the source is credible. It is however, an inflammatory article, and turning the offender into the offended.

        Be that as it may, I agree with you about your comments on mob mentality. It’s difficult with such public out pouring on these comments pages to remain objective and level headed about this whole mess, I just sincerely hope that these criminal acts do not go unpunished by Nathan, and all of the rest of the rioters that the police can lay charges against. I’m for setting an example to younger generations that this sort of behaviour is not tolerated in Vancouver.

      • “Once again, these are the unintended consequences of public shaming ”

        These are unintended consequences of RIOTING, not public shaming.

      •’s also worth mentioning that the writer’s source for the two article’s was Nathan’s lawyer. It smell’s of classis spin PR to me, a luxury usually reserved for the wealthy and connected unfortunately.

        Anyhow, sorry to hijack this thread – there is another thread for Kotylak elsewhere on this site.

      • riot, the second source quoted the families lawyer, thus, the 2nd source, sorry for confusion.

        when the public becomes judge,jury,and executioner, that is not “unintended consequences of rioting”. Punishment, when issued by a court of law, would be consequences of rioting. Consider why A Republican form of government (rule by law) is thought by many to be the best form of government in the world- in a Republic,even the minority has a right to a trial by jury. Even a child molester. The law protects even the scum of the earth from a vigilante mob. We put down our torches and pitch forks and stopped burning witches at the stake hundreds of years ago, and opted for the rule of law, and I am glad!

        I was appalled to see what happened to the beautiful city of Vancouver and even more appalled it was b/c of a hockey game, but what worries me more, is the dangerous precedent being set here… Facial Recognition,Vigilante threats and harassment,and citizen “justice”. This is a fine line- wait till every person who has a “beef” with anyone for any reason whatsoever will publicly shame them in the court of Fedbook… oh joy.

        Outing rioters online risks labelling bystanders as criminals

        The online community’s quest to “name and shame” people involved in Wednesday night’s riot is a dangerous game and should be left to police, a spokesman for the B.C. Civil Liberties Association says.

        “Vigilante justice is not preferable to allowing police to do their investigations,” spokesman David Eby said of websites that recently emerged encouraging the public to identify rioters in photos and videos.
        Did you catch the interview w/ the kid who was trying to stop some of the rioters?(the one that had alex pro in it)
        The interviewer asked him “what do you think should happen to those who just stood by and did nothing?” What kind of question is that??? A 6’2” 225 lb. man got beaten, and they are asking about consequences for those who didn’t want to risk a collapsed lung, or a bloody head, or death, what needs to “happen” to them for doing “nothing”? SCARY. Trust me, you should leave the police state for the Americans, y’all don’t want it. Had we tried that here, people would have been killed by the police.

      • “when the public becomes judge,jury,and executioner, that is not “unintended consequences of rioting”

        The public hasn’t done this, so far all they have done is “blow the whistle” so to speak, by posting a clear picture of a criminal engaged in criminal actions.

      • “The public hasn’t done this, so far all they have done is “blow the whistle” so to speak, by posting a clear picture of a criminal engaged in criminal actions.”

        This is not true. “the Public” posted a minor’s name,photo, and address for all the WORLD to see, rather than sending a photo and evidence to VPD. “The Public” also called these people’s work,charity organizations, schools, friends, families, sponsors,stalked them and their friends on FedBook,etc etc, and DEMANDED “Justice” as they saw fit. Huge difference in sending tips to police and a public wtich hunt…

        I really do believe that when all of the emotion of this riot starts to wear off a bit, and people begin to collect their heads, they will see what they are really “asking for” when they condone public shaming- at least I hope so…

      • The criminals workplace did not want to be associated with their illegal doings, I would not want to keep them employed and would want to know immediately if any of my employees were taking part in something as asinine as a riot so I could get rid of them immediately.

        Apparently they felt similar when they let her go.

  153. “Maybe it takes an event like this to show you misogynists that woman are fully capable of anything you can do. And if my actions lead to that revelation in your obscure little heads, then maybe it’s a good thing that I partook in this event.”

    Not sure if I even need to comment in this little nugget other than to reiterate that it’s included in her ‘apology’.

  154. Noticed she changed her apology… here is the original

  155. I can’t believe she edited out the part about being a hero for saving a tree during the riot! Now how will people ever know that she was a true hero that day!

  156. Someone needs an adult in her life.
    Her parents don’t seem up to the task. Perhaps a guardian would help?

  157. Lucky that she wasn’t caught up in the “mob mentality” while trying to save the trees… even though intoxicated, she acted (“Pleaaseee, not the treees!!!!”) and felt like a hero. it shows she was able to make some “moral decisions” during the riot, and acted on what she strong believes: the environment. Too bad “pleaaseee, not the people!!!”, “pleaaseee, not the pants!!!”, “pleaaseee, not the glass!!!”, “pleaaseee, not the cars!!!”, “pleaaseee, not the garbage cans!!!”, “pleaaseee, not private property!!!”, “pleaaseee, not public property!!!, “pleaasee, not police cars!!!” didn’t cross her mind. We would have had a SUPER-HERO instead.

  158. What a great name she has made for herself and Vacancouver. I dont care if she is from a great family, for the 2 seconds of fame she wanted with her friends that night has given her a lifetime of regret. I will never understand why people like her need to feel wanted in life by drinking some alcohol and getting dumb. Alcohol was put into your body yes but never controls your hands you had for looting, your feet you had to run into the store to take stuff and your mind that obviously advised you to get some attention from your friends. I hope that the Enspire Group,Row Club, etc you are with take a good look at what they have on their team, and rethink about the people they have to so called “Lead the greatness in the world” too bad so sad , save the story for someone that truely may beleive your sob story about how you ruin our beautiful cities name that name you because one of the rioters.

  159. I have been watching this with detached interest, as a native (small n) BC’er living on the other Coast. I like most was disappointed and disgusted at the behaviour of the crowd after the game, tho even here in Newfoundland it was being predicted for days in advance, and Boston had shut down their streets to prevent the same thing from occurring there. I am a big believer in personal accountability, so am a fan of this site and others like them who are holding citizens up to the light, “Neighbourhood watch” so to speak. What I am against are cowards, bigots and virtual louts who use the work of sites like this and decide to harass and intimidate the miscreants, turning them from guilty to victim, and detracting from the noble enterprise. Dog piles are not fun for the ones on the bottom, and I believe that the spirit of this site is no different than when old man Barnaby dragged me home by the scruff of the neck 30 years ago- not to dispense justice, but to inform those who care that this person did wrong, and needs to be dealt with. It wasn’t Barnaby’s place to give me a lickin’ but he was right to think my dad would. So for you who think that you need to threaten, curse harass and spew filth about these people, you are no better, and perhaps worse. Definitely using your anonymity as a shield, just as Camille and the others felt they were doing. Shame on you too.

    Kent Gulliford

    • Well, in this case “old man Barnaby” is social media. Did you talk smack to old man Barnaby after you were caught? I think not.
      But you do make good points.

      But now Camille is either going for fame through parody, or an insanity defense. So we’re beyond shaming and into the realm of life on the interweb. The new old man Barnaby is one crazy bastard.

    • Kent – can you point to what posts specifically you are referring to that threaten?

      Not that I don’t agree with you about that, I do. I just must have overlooked them, as I don’t see any.

      • I wasn’t referring to comments posted here, while some are a little extreme mostly I find them well put together. I was referring to the comments she received on her own original apology, which I notice has been “cleaned up” drastically, thanx god, it was pretty offensive in its original form. Here are a few off this site tho, since you asked for examples:
        one of the biggest DOUCHES of ALL TIME
        take this one down a peg
        Derp Derp said this on June 19, 2011 at 5:55 am | Reply
        I hate this biatch even more now…
        ab/cd said this on June 20, 2011 at 5:00 pm
        Fuck you terrorist sympathizing scumbag. …….
        we must make sure no one forgets who these subhumans are
        Matt said this on June 19, 2011 at 2:24 am | Reply
        btw here is a brief article on the word ‘untermensch” which means subhuman… a little skinhead propaganda being espoused here? definitely could be perceived as racsist…

        Again, I have no problem with ensuring that people are held accountable. Just not a huge fan of some of the rhetoric being spouted in the comments, here and even worse elsewhere in cyber ville

      • Thanks Kent – was wondering what you were referencing. That is a lot of venting going on there in those comments – pretty over the top stuff.

        I’m all for accountability, and memory. Absolutely against mob mentality – this also includes rioting and looting of course, but also internet piling on.

        For the most part, I’ve found the discussions to be fairly reasonable, probably due to some good moderating going on behind the scenes.

  160. Well said, Kent. Yes, the ‘dogpiling” is a bit over the top, but it is a legitimate response to what happened. Our society has created this mess by coddling people who make mistakes instead of making them make restitution. If you read her “apology”, Camille is the poster girl for this kind of mentality. She fucked up and has a litany of excuses for it. She would probably not being feeling remorse, but she got caught and spanked in the public for it. This public shaming is a bit scary I grant you, but it is oddly exhilarating. People who the “justice system” would have slapped on the wrist are actually feeling the heat for their misdeeds. People who are frustrated with our weak kneed approach to crime are actually seeing the “bad guys” squirm. About bloody time.

  161. i hope the public shaming that has happened because of these riots …detier other individuals from engaging in future behaviour.

    i dont condone these rioters.and camille’s appology is a joke.i think these rioters are being made an example it too bad?no.

    our justice system is weak.i think going back to ‘old ways’ might just work at stopping criminals or criminal behaviour happening all around.

    after all this exposure of social media and public shaming….im sure these outed rioters will never look at another camera or cell phone the same.

    i know i wont.and ive done nothing wrong.

    i love this blog and hope it serves its purpose for all Vancouverites.great job!

  162. Wow everything is blown way out of proportion here. I can understand the act committed by Nathan was way severe but this is just unbelievable. Thanks to the advancement in great quality mobile cameras, ruining lives just got easier. I guess the clearer and sharper the evidence photo, the more shit the offender deserves. Seriously, the riot has caused enough damage, lets not create more unproductive citizens. I smell too much pretension on these boards, pretense of being highest class perfect citizens. When I came to Canada, I thought the judicial system was way to lenient with murderers coming back into the community and gaining admission into colleges. Little did I know that some people are way to busy blowing petty thefts under intoxication way out of proportion. Also, so so many people have started consuming alcohol before they were of legal age. How would you like this to ruin your life if it was brought to public attention. Everyone makes mistakes, how come celebrities are able to come out of their scandals so easily. Did you know megan fox shoplifted at walmart yet nobody has to treat her like this. One of the kids in my highschool robbed a bank, yes a bank, when he was 13 years old. I am so glad he didnt go through this ordeal of online harassment. Put under scrutiny he truly graduated clean and popular out of highschool, and one of his recent facebook status was that he got approved for his credit card at 19 years of age…a former bank robber. Accusations of “looting”…, man i aint defending her actions but comeon, how many people have walked past items of value lying unattended. i’ve lost hundred dollar bills, cellphones, ipods, etc at places like malls, community centres etc. Man, if everyone had their camera’s out I could have gotten back these items which are of higher relative value to me than the clothing to the store. Don’t get me wrong, there are very good Vancouverites. Just today my badge that I dropped was return to me. I just cant stand the way, this case is getting so much attention.Much bigger criminals and thieves are treated better than this. Rioters didnt give a shit about the city. You guys dont a shit about a resident’s future. Don’t start complaining when your ‘tax money’ goes towards her deportion/unemployment/whatever the fk u want to do with her.

  163. I love how she quotes the charter of rights and freedoms and then goes on to insult mentally retarded people.

  164. Blah, blah, fucking blah. Just caught wind of this site on the news. Good on ya, Captain Vancouver. Here in Toronto considering how our cops beat the shit out of peaceful protesters I was a bit dismayed at the seeming lack of action on the footage by the cops. They should have kettled those punks like they did here.

    This chick needs to be busted. Forget the token apology as well. It rings hollow, especially considering her association with that foundation.

    Maybe a nice fine and community service where she gets her hands dirty might bring out some genuine genuflection from this overly self-important and privileged chick.

  165. You do know she still has not yet returned or paid for the paints she shoplifted ?

  166. Hey guys, watch this great Sun News piece about Camille’s apology (also Nathan and Alicia Price), haha!

  167. Pleeeeeeeease not the pants!

  168. Not sure I can disagree w/ any of that commentary in that video. I think he hit the nail on the head in many ways. We have the same problem here in the states. A woman in Texas was recently given a felony for spanking her own child and leaving a “red mark”! HOWEVER, think to yourselves about what you really want in Canada… Do you want a police state like ours that were ordered to shoot New Orleans looters on the spot, while looting themselves? Yes, that happened- police were ordered to shoot looters (and did) and then the police themselves partook in the looting… Keep in mind some of the looters were “looting” food and water for survival, not b/c they were pissed about a hockey game.

    As far as I am concerned, I think the LEADERSHIP in Vancouver were partially responsible in that they were not prepared, and they set up TVs in DT for a 100k people, then shut down the liquor stores? WTF? Your police on the ground should be given angel awards, but your city leadership all but encouraged these rioters themselves- it disgusts me. Unfortunately, these types of incidents are usually used by governments to usher in more tyranny, and in this case, it has caused people to condone and justify “mob justice”, facial recognition software as citizen surveillance,public “stoning”, death threats, “raping in prison” and trials by FedBook and Captain Vancouver. Proceed w/ caution. Never give up your civil liberties for “safety” as you will lose both.

  169. Camille Cacnio is only sorry she got caught. Here original ‘apology’ before she revised it proves what a pathetic human being she is (

    This great video sums it up well

    Camille Cacnio is a looting criminal who calls herself a victim and wants sympathy and doesn’t think what she did is that bad.

  170. I’m glad she got caught, glad she got fired from her CRAP $10 / hour LOSER job. Hopefully, she gets expelled from her PATHETIC UBC “degree”, and from her useless organizations she belongs to (to make her feel like she’s not completely useless.)

    • I don’t think you should describe her employment as a “loser job”. Her employer fired her immediately after learning of her involvement in the riots. I think we should be supporting Burrard Acura for their moral compass.

  171. Pants on the ground! Pants on the ground! she should walked away and left the pants on the ground!

    • … Apparently you’ve never seen the pants on the ground song(and missing a letter ‘a’ from “shoulda” is what we call a typo. I am still in my amazing country too by the way, through the magic of the interweb. Reed a buuk. It myte teech yew sumthing.

  172. Please consider taking this website down. I am a parent and proud citizen of Vancouver who was deeply dismayed by the riots. I am even more deeply dismayed – sickened in fact – by websites such as these and the Internet vigilante-ism that has emerged. We have processes in place for dealing with crime. This is not one of them.

    • Yours is the same lame, go-along get-along thinking that has fostered the permissive, no-consequences culture that has resulted in smiling rioters and looters who cheerfully and thoughtlessly destroy the livelihoods of honest, quiet, hard-working people such as Vancouver’s downtown store owners and employees.

      I see no criminal activity here. I do see a finally fed-up citizen empowered initiative that will go a long way toward preventing another privileged-kid riot from ever happening again in Vancouver in our lifetimes.

    • It’s attitude like yours that will allow riots to occur over and over again in the future. We need to make examples of these people so THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN IN VANCOUVER BC. Going to court and getting a slap on the wrist is just not good enough. Sorry.

      • I spend several hours a week with at-risk youth and make a conscious effort every day to instil a strong sense of morals in my own children, so I was as upset as anyone by what happened on Wednesday night. I also agree entirely that we need to make sure this never happens again and that there should be consequences for those who participated in the riots. I’m just not convinced that public humilation should be one of those consequences (this doesn’t seem much different than the stockades to me, and I thought we were past that ….) or actually goes a long way to creating a city or society in which people are better, more respectful citizens. Working with youth EVERY DAY to instil a strong moral compass and sense of community responsibility will get you a lot futher than a two week flurry of public humilation and vitriol. I hope we are better than the riots, but I also hope we are better than this.

        I’m definitely a big fan of Mr Easterbrook though – a true Captain Vancouver – and was incredibly proud of everybody who showed up on Thursday morning to clean up the mess.

  173. “As many of you already know, I am majoring in Conservation Biology at UBC. I strongly belirve in ecological conservation and sustainability. That night, I saw a few people that were trying to knock trees down. So what did I do? I yelled at them, saying “Pleaaseee, not the treees!!!!” And what did they do? They stopped. And I felt like a hero.”

    LOL! What on earth was she thinking when she wrote this?

    • Too bad this is from Sun media and Ezra does make some very racist comments. He is right for the most part, but he does try to play a little politics saying Vancouver’s mayor leans too far to the left. Keep it on the riot Ezra, not Fox’s, uh, I mean the Sun’s political agenda.

  174. Her apology letter is simply unbelievable. Most of her apology letter was anything but an apology. She doesn’t get it and she doesn’t understand how what she did was wrong. There are no excuses. There are no rationalizations.

    Camille, your actions that night show a lack of judgment and your apology letter, even more so. With regards to the former, a decision was made without little time to consider actions and consequences. With regards to the latter, you have had days to contemplate a response.

    It is clear that the goal of your letter was to minimize damages to YOURSELF. You, and perhaps your friends (I suspect this to be the case), wrote this in an attempt to portray you in a better light. What’s missing in your stylistic prose, is CONTENT. You are not a victim.

  175. You need to write another apology letter apologizing for the original apology letter. The original apology letter was worse than your crime. Were you intoxicated and fuelled by adrenaline rush when you wrote it?

  176. Can’t we just xxxxx these people?Oh they have video of me now lets apologize.

    Edit: Camille is a Canadian Citizen

  177. I just rented a suit at Black & Lee. Guess what? I paid for it! And will return it once the rental period ends.
    Camille, your late fees are adding up. The lady advised me that you still haven’t shown up with the booty.

  178. simply put she is a total loser

  179. Camille’s punishment so far has been excessive, just look at the amount of public shame that goes along with typing her name in google!! This is unheard of for a common thief. It sucks for Camille but if by making an example out of this girl and the others is what it takes for people to stop this kind of behavior then so be it. I wish Camille the best in digging herself out of this deep hole and redeeming her name.

  180. Just so you guys know…UBC decided not to discipline her today.

    …”The university, however, will not be taking any disciplinary action towards Cacnio or any other UBC students who were found to be involved in the post-game chaos.

    “We let the police and the courts determine discipline in events like this,” said Scott Macrae, the director of UBC Public Affairs.

    “University discipline really refers to the university community, its members and its property, not to something that is outside of that.”

    Macrae went on to say that it is inevitable that there will be UBC students who have criminal records and, beyond what the courts decide, they shouldn’t be further censured for their actions.”


    • My thoughts on it are I know where they are coming from as there are many people who attend post-secondary institutions that have criminal records. There are some schools such as Trinity Western which has students sign code of conduct forms. Those types of schools would probably be a different story as the code of conduct rules usually are based on morals such as no drinking etc.

    • I’m glad UBC isn’t expelling her. Judging from her actions and her absolutely awful “apology”, I think she would benefit greatly from more education.

  181. Don’t judge! Many of us did worse in our lives, but didn’t get caught.

  182. […] said, I was shocked — maybe even livid  — when I’ve read Camille Cacnio‘s so-called apology. After claiming that she is “sincerely apologetic” for what […]

  183. I read this entire page and I can’t believe the hate out there for this girl. Yes she stole, yes she was part of the riot that did so much damage to this city’s reputation and tourism. Her decision to walk into that store and take those pants will shape the rest of her life. It was a stupid act, but it yet seemed so ok at the time.

    As angry as we may be with the rioters, we need to collect our thoughts and be civil just like what us Canadians are known for. Rioters are losers but we’re not. Exposing someone and shaming them is one thing, but saying that they should be anally raped in prison, sent to an island and other outrageous remarks, is completely un-Canadian. The very mob mentality that took over downtown that crazy night, is now taking over keyboard critics that are adding more fuel to the fire. I am by no means condoning this, but I believe in redemption and second chances. The very people that keep mentioning tax payers money, people’s livelihood and whatever, are the same people that are condoning sending 100,000 people to jail. This is mob mentality. Dictators do that, because then these 100,000 people will be prison slave labourers for the rest of their lives. We live in a capitalist county that needs these people to become useful citizens and pay tax themselves. Just imagine all of a sudden having 100,000 people not paying into the income tax/ EI/ CPP. In the long term that is more hurtful to this country than the riot itself.

    As far as being guilty everyone that stayed downtown after the riot act is GUILTY to some extent. If everyone left, it would be harder for the idiots that came with lighter fluid to get to the police cars, never mind burn them. The police that was there could have easily had everyone cuffed up and taken away, and a riot could have been averted. The law doesn’t care if you had a DSLR camera with a low light lens around your neck or a HD camcorder. You’re not a licensed reporter, so guess what the riot act aplies to you too.

    This riot was no surprise. I’m sure Chief Jim Chu knew about it, but the “respectable” Vancouver Sun ran a bunch of stories leading up to game 7, about the high cost of policing downtown during the playoffs. So if he had double the force and there was no riot, then the media would’ve ran stories on how the tax money was misused again. The media kept mentioning the 1994 riot with a diabolic pleasure to a generation that did not even know about it. If there were more officers on the street, other areas of Vancouver would’ve have not had any policing for B&Es/ domestic violence and so on. The VPD union boss is smearing Chief Jim Chu that he did not have enough police presence. He could have called officers in on OT, but then the Vancouver Sun would get wind of that and we would hear about the tax payer’s money again. So it’s hard to please everyone. Those officers on the street that night made the best of the situation. If they showed up in riot gear right away, then it would be a provocation. They were outnumbered and thanks to all the people that stuck around, they were not able to stop the riot in time. They had to abstain from hitting the crap out of those people because they could be charged themselves and lose their livelihood. Either way you look at it, it’s a high stakes balancing act.

    The “clientele” that formed the majority of that crowd were underage people. They normally don’t roam downtown, never mind Granville street after dark. It was a first for many of them and they took full advantage. A lot of these kids were, to actually quote VPD, “bridge” people. The same people that come downtown once in a blue moon and they cause problems. The same people that end up causing the biggest problems during the summer fireworks are the ones that travel the most to get downtown. It was a huge graduation party for all of them and VPD knew ahead of time. However the budget for extra policing had to come from the Mayor and he probably told Chief Chu to go pound sand, because he doesn’t want angry taxpayers.

    Now about Camille. She went there for a good time and came back a looter. She would have kept it to herself (most of us would’ve) but then the “Oh S@#$” moment came. Due to so few people being identified right away, the guilt of a 100,000 people was on their shoulders. Everyone is guilty for the exact action that they have done, but the keyboard mob won’t have any of that. They are going on a witch hunt and they want revenge.

    Well Camille got her fare share. It is time to leave her alone and move on with her life. She had to face her parents and her sister. She had to explain the whole thing to her parents that were thinking the whole time “What have we done to deserve this?” If she’s the older sister, then the whole role model thing is out the window. She’s filipina and if I were to take a wild guess she has a big family. Some will understand, some will not. She won’t be able to look any of them in the eyes the same again. The curse those two pairs of pants have brought for her is more than any pants thief deserves. Again, it has to stop here.

    VPD is not too concerned, they have bigger fish to catch. UBC acted like the well respected institution that it is: it will let the judge apply the law. It didn’t happen on UBC’s endowment lands therefore they’re staying out of it. Kudos to them. On the other hand Burrard Acura acted in a shallow manner that is not surprising of a car dealership. The dealership manager allowed the news to come in and instead of choosing his words carefully he’s further smearing this girl. Shame on him. Keep your Hondas, I drive german anyway.

    This girl deserves a second chance. I got a few in my life and although I was ashamed at the time, I built on it and became a better person. I almost had my license taken away and I wrote a letter asking to keep it and it sounded a lot like Camille’s original letter. I wrote it high on emotions and I kept finding excuses for my driving. I kept in on my computer and a few days letter I re-wrote it. This time I came to terms with the fact that I will lose my license and I wrote a sincere heartfelt apology, ready to surrender my license. The response that I got back took me by surprise. I could keep my license, but I was on a six month probation. I just started a well paying job a few days back where I had to drive a van. I was so excited, it was like getting a new lease on life. I was so thankful that they allowed an ass like me back on the road that I didn’t get a ticket since, and it’s been over ten years. I can’t even imagine what I would have done if all I could work was minimum wage jobs while having to pay my bills. I averted bankruptcy for sure, and am I ever so thankful for that second chance. I got teased many times by “friends” that I drive too slow, but I didn’t care. They weren’t the ones paying my bills, so I decided that respecting the law was in my best interest, but I had to learn the hard way.

    It really seems like this girl has a lot of jealous enemies, but guess what Camille, at least you know who they are now. She has accomplished more in her twenty something years that a lot of these keyboard lynchers will not accomplish in a life time. UBC student, two jobs, volunteer and sports; I wish I could find time for that. Well seems like some haters just got a chance to ruin her and they will do everything posible to accomplish that. Don’t worry Camille you’ll overcome. You’ll look back on this and you will laugh. You managed to be successful so far, and I believe that you will continue that. I wish you a rewarding career and a loving happy family around you.

    Let’s get real. With her track record and no previous rap sheet, she is already ahead. Stealing two pairs of pants is hardly a civil offence, never mind anything remotely criminal. I think paying for the pants is in order and that’s about it. Any employer that will not hire her based on this will probably do her a favour anyway.

    And life moves on. Nothing to see or say here anymore. If you keyboard tough guys want to pick on something why not question Black & Lee about their pricing practices. How is it that the same pants “Made in Canada” cost around $100 here while they’re under $30 across the border? Economies of scale? I don’t think so. How does an Acura at Burrard Acura cost more that one on the East Coast of the USA? They came on the same ship from Japan didn’t they? I think there many things to ponder before burning this girl at the stake.

    Here is a good story for the Vancouver Sun. Remind everyone about the cuts to the after school programs a few years ago, and how a lot of teachers don’t genuinely care about their students. No wonder you have a generation of largely unguided youths that harbour so much anger in them. How many of you here volunteered as a coach or donated your time to go and do something for the kids in your community, who will one day pay your pension? Next time instead of yelling at them to get off the skateboard give them a can of pop and tell them to be careful not to get hurt. It’s easy to say that tomorrow’s generation is a bunch of troglodytes, but it’s only as good as the generation that teaches them.

    Let’s forgive, try to move on and build on this.

  184. Hardly a crime? She stole something. This IS a crime. In some places in the world, this WOMAN (she is not some little innocent girl) would have her hands chopped off for this act. She deserves to be punished and frankly, given she has committed a crime, what exactly entitles her to any sympathy whatsoever? If she was not in control of her actions, is she a maniac? Perhaps she ought to be institutionalized. If she was in control of her actions, she made a decision, and has to pay for it. A mistake? She did not mistakenly walk into a store and mistakenly pick up something that does not belong to her and mistakenly run out of the store with it. She did this fully aware.

    She ought to live with this. Forever.

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